Title: Send You Down to War
purestvixenRating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/Jess
Summary: In the rearview mirror, he can see her twist around, her delicate white dress splattered with blood twirling in the wind. Watching him drive away.
Author's Notes: Post!apocaplypse AU. Spoilers up until the end of season 3.
“That,” she says, her toes shifting in the dust, pointing, “keeps them away. I don’t think they can see anything inside it.” She swallows and he watches her throat work, the clean, beautiful line of her neck. “I think they’ve been looking for me.” )
Comments 7
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
There are so many parts that I loved so much. I loved the way your worked canon into the story, and how absolutely gorgeous the imagery was. And characterizations were spot on.
Again, thank you so very very very much!
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