Title: Swimming in Suwannee
zelost_mindRating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/OFC
Summary: Dean's seventeen years old and finds himself falling for a swimmer who gives as good as he dishes out.
Author's Notes: As per the adult rating, there is sexual content and language. Word count is 11,160. Major thanks to my beta.
It's only the second week at Suwannee High and Dean’s ready to bolt. )
Comments 23
What he’d give for a little dirty sweet talk whispered slow and thick, time sliding by syrupy and rich.
GREAT description!
“Look, you don’t have to worry about me fucking up your chances at jumping over shit or whatever you do.”
LOL - I can TOTALLY hear Dean saying this!
“Where do you think I’m going at this hour, Sam? When a dude likes a chick and wants to see her naked but doesn’t want his brother cockblocking him, he’s gotta go out so that he can get laid.”
LOL!!! Very funny!
Thanks for the enjoyable read!
LOL I sometimes say that my mental state is pretty much Dean's except that I'm a girl. And I don't think about girls as Dean does. Heh.
Thanks for writing, it was brilliant.
Thank you for the feedback.
That is some wonderfully thoughtful feedback you've honored me with. Thank you.
and perfect ending. for dean, all roads lead back to sammy.
The ending was revised quite a bit, Sam wasn't at the end at all in the first draft but after discussing about how depressing the original ending was, I revised it with pretty much the same realization, for Dean, it's always about Sam.
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