May 01, 2009 11:31

ETA: Signups are now going to close on Saturday, at noon East Coast US time, to give you a little more time to process the finale.

To sign-up, leave a comment to this post using the guidelines and format below. If you don't sign up using these guidelines and this format, we're going to take it as a sign that you haven't read the rules and mock you gleefully because of it. If you'd love to write or receive a story about particular characters who are not Sam & Dean, make sure that's clear from your sign-up prompts.

About the prompts: You must provide at least three (3) story prompts, and you can provide as many as six (6) if you want to give the person you're matched with more options. At least three prompts must be for fic, but up to three additional prompts can be for vids or art.

This should go without saying, but remember all of your prompts should be shipless; requesting a pairing story for a gen fic exchange is pretty damn silly, and we will point and laugh. You may request crossovers, but please limit yourself to only one (1) crossover prompt, as those are much harder to match with willing authors.

The prompts can be as general or specific as you like, but do try to leave some leeway. Authors/artists/vidders are not required to follow the letter of the prompts to the last detail; there is always room for flexibility and interpretation, and we're certainly not going to stop somebody who has a brilliant idea from running with it. The prompts give the author ideas for what stories and topics you love, or information that will help him or her create fantastic art or graphics or a vid, so keep that in mind when you're writing them.

About the preferences: This should also go without saying, but just in case: when specifying what you prefer to write and receive, make sure those preferences are informative for this exchange. In other words, specifying that you prefer not to receive "het, rimming, incest, mpreg, BDSM and bestiality" is completely useless, because this is a gen fic exchange and nobody is going to write those things anyway, especially not when they're writing from your prompts. The idea is to give both the mods making the assignments and the author writing for you an idea what kind of story best fits you within the contest of this exchange, not within the context of every fanfic squick you've ever had.

Here's how you sign up:

Name: pinkfinity
Email: pinkfinity @
Three to six prompts:
1. Pre-series story about the boys battling something evil while John is away.
2. Monsters under the bed
3. Graphics featuring the Impala
4. The boys and/or various characters swapping stories at the roadhouse.
5. The Annual Angels versus Demons softball game.
6. Smith & Wesson crossover with Bones

Scenarios and stories you'd rather not receive: Darkness and woe and bleak hopelessness. Also, stories about pickles, demon-POV stories, and plotless character studies, deathfic, extreme violence, any kind of character bashing.

Scenarios and stories you'd prefer to write: Humor, case-stories, plot-oriented stories, brotherly banter and bonding, happy endings, crack, zombies

Any crossovers you're willing to write? Dukes of Hazzard, The A-Team, My Little Ponies

Are you willing to do art? No, alas my artistic talents are minimal

Are you willing to do a vid? Yes, definitely!

See? Easy as pie. If you have any questions after reading the rules and the FAQ, drop us a line here or email us at summergen09 @ (without the spaces). Remember, if you have a Dreamwidth account, you can comment here using OpenID and participate from that account rather than a LiveJournal account.

Have fun!


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