Title: An evening break Artist: lamapan Characters/Description: Sam, Dean Warnings: some nudity, probably NSFW Prompt: SPONTANEOUS SKINNY DIPPING. At a lonely lake somewhere far away from anyone or anything else. Prompter: geckoholic
This really *feels* like a lake far from anything and I can almost sense how cool the water must be ;_; That is exactly evening sky color. And Sam's giant feet and looong legs! This is so wonderful! <3
Hopefully the water will feel refreshing after long, hot day in the car. :P I'm glad you think the sky color worked. I tried to dampen the paper a bit before applying color but still, edges. :( <33
Sammy all nekkid and gangly, and Dean too busy drinking beer and eating sausages to be bothered with exercise - perfect!! The golden lighting is gorgeous - man I am in awe of you talented watercolourists!
I'm so glad you liked the scene! Well, I think this challenge really inspires to pick out the watercolors. Thank you so much for the lovely feedback! :)
Sooooooo wonderful. They're happy and carefree. You've captured the summertime feel so perfectly. Dean seems so content. I like to think its because Sam is so carefree. Thank you so much for sharing. *happy place*
I love the light you have created in the sky, and also the rosy pink of Sam's butt. I can smell the pines and the moss and the roasting sausages. Such a great scene.
I swear, it's not a conspiracy xD There will be digital pieces and other media as well, I somehow did not pay too much attention to medium when I made the schedule - maybe I should have, hahaha.
Comments 71
I'm glad you think the sky color worked. I tried to dampen the paper a bit before applying color but still, edges. :(
I love the light you have created in the sky, and also the rosy pink of Sam's butt. I can smell the pines and the moss and the roasting sausages. Such a great scene.
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