Welcome to
spn_sceneit - which we hope will become the ultimate resource for all you Supernatural vidders out there - and maybe even for those of you who make graphics too.
Here you will be able to request/find anything you need to start/complete your project, but please remember to use the
POSTING TEMPLATE and to tag your posts correctly.
Some examples of help you might be looking for:
* I know there's a scene where Sam is picking a lock - can anyone tell me where it is?
* Are there any scenes of Dean eating an ice-cream?
* I need a screencap of Dean doing x or Sam doing Y.
* I'm looking for a particular quote by Dean or does Sam ever say 'okie dokie'?
* I'm looking for a particular texture/font for what I'm working on - where can I find it?
* &etc
We've also included a 'mod help' tag - so if there's something specific you need mod help with concerning your post, use the 'mod help' tag and we'll hunt those down daily and fix/help where we can.
Don't forget that there's also a
SUGGESTION BOX for any ideas/comments/questions you might have - feel free to use it!
Finally - for access to
THE TRUNK - and the full complement of what this comm has to offer - you will need to become a member rather than watching/lurking - but don't worry - it's not obligatory to be a member and hopefully most of your needs will be met by the open posts on
Enjoy and feel free to contact us if we can help at all =)