Feb 22, 2015 10:39

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Comments 1

strgazr04 February 27 2015, 03:20:54 UTC
#1 At the end of Usual Suspects, the bros are walking down a wooded path and Sam shoulder bumps Dean after Dean says he could go for some "split pea soup".

There's also the end of The Benders as well as them walking down a dirt road in Everybody Loves a Clown.

#2 Hell House

#3 Maybe Dream a Little Dream? Dean and Bobby can't go back to sleep in that one.

#4 Salvation (I think it's the epi just before the s1 finale). A demon jumps Sam and Dean uses the Colt on him as the demon falls on the ground. Dean also shoots the shtriga in Something Wicked which is on the floor.


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