
Nov 12, 2013 19:44

I think you might be seeing me around here a bit because my memory ain't what it used to be. Plus..over 8 seasons! I can't remember that many eps /o ( Read more... )

scene hunt: general

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Comments 10

starrylizard November 12 2013, 12:17:49 UTC
Children shouldn't play with dead things had a good scene of Sam running from Zombie!girl. I think that's how he broke his wrist actually. Other than that I think my memory is worse than yours these days. They run a lot though.


ash48 November 13 2013, 11:21:47 UTC
Thanks hun! I had forgotten about that one. :)


mithborien November 12 2013, 12:46:02 UTC
There is a cassette tape scene in the Season 5 finale (it's Season 5 when Sam jumps in the cage, right?), Dean either pops it in or takes it out before confronting Lucifer and Michael.

Chasing scenes... there is the pilot one! But I don't recall any recent ones. It all blurs together after a while...


ash48 November 13 2013, 11:22:11 UTC
Cool! That'll be the one I'm thinking off. Thank you! <3


kalliel November 12 2013, 13:01:46 UTC
There's a really lovely (oddly long!) sequence of them booking it in 5x16 (around 18:40)~


ash48 November 13 2013, 11:22:26 UTC
Thank you. I'll check it out. :)


kj_svala November 12 2013, 15:08:17 UTC
oh, awesome, these scenes are just what I`m looking for myself right now. I`m gonna keep an eye on this :D ( ... )


ash48 November 13 2013, 11:22:46 UTC
Oh yay! Awesome list! Thank so much. Will check them all out.


the_muppet November 12 2013, 18:12:17 UTC
It always surprises me when I see a post here from you, as I consider you the font of all knowledge when it comes to SPN episodes =)


ash48 November 13 2013, 11:23:41 UTC
Haha…well, my memory ain't like it used to be…;) Plus…ack!! There are SO many now!



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