
Sep 21, 2013 19:25

I have no idea why I keep forgetting which episode this scene is from...

cap here )


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Comments 7

mithborien September 21 2013, 11:46:55 UTC
I believe it is 4x13 After School Special, right after Sam gets stabbed and kicked in the nuts by the ghost.

Also, haha, yes, they are totally eskys. I don't remember seeing the them in a cabin but there is that end scene in Fresh Blood and an end scene in one of the eps when Sam is soulless where they have a convo with eskys appearing in them. Can't remember if they are green or not.


ash48 September 21 2013, 11:58:18 UTC
Thank you! I think this is the 3rd time I've gone looking for this scene. No idea why it doesn't stick.

there's definitely a shot of the esky inside. Someone else mentioned it too me ages ago and I remember thinking how awesome it was that they brought it in from the car.

And thanks for those other reminders! I am trying to gather all the shots where the green cooler appears ('cause I'm anal like that...;D)

Thanks honey.


big_heart_june September 21 2013, 11:51:58 UTC
It's from 413: After School Special =) no idea abt the cooler though..


ash48 September 21 2013, 11:58:41 UTC
Thanks hun!


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ash48 September 21 2013, 15:33:18 UTC
That's it!! that's the one I wanted ! Awesome! thanks...(better update my tumblr post...;D)



ash48 September 21 2013, 15:33:53 UTC
Oh and the 7.12 one! YAY! <3


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