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Comments 19

starrylizard July 4 2011, 10:35:43 UTC
104 - Phantom Traveller. On the plane when they exorcise the demon.
112 - Faith. I think when Sam calls up the "angel" with candles etc. there's Latin.
121 - Salvation - John with the Rosary beads blessing the tank = Latin
214 - Born Under a Bad sign - I'm sure there's Latin over tied up Sam
301 - Seven Deadly Sins - Doesn't Dean hold one in the bathtub water and chant a bit?

Hmm, not sure of newer seasons.


starrylizard July 4 2011, 10:41:11 UTC
Oh and evil characters like Meg chant to contact the bad guys over bowls of blood and in 116 - Shadows with Sam watching through the grate. I think it's quick though.


starrylizard July 4 2011, 10:42:37 UTC
Oh 201 John calls up Yellow Eyes of course. *sad face* I miss John


ash48 July 4 2011, 10:53:46 UTC
woot! Thanks for all these. My brain went blank for some reason when I was trying to think of scenes...

These are great.

And *meep* John. Hubby just bought me John's Journal for my birthday and reading through it makes me miss him too.....

Thanks sweetie..<3


ash48 July 4 2011, 11:02:34 UTC
Oh and I just created a new tag for this. I figure these suggestions might come in handy in the future...


kj_svala July 4 2011, 10:44:42 UTC

-season 2 "Crossroad Blues", towards the end, the scene with Dean and the crossroads demon.

-he`s trying tó finish a line in season 3 "Sin City", the scene where he`s stuck in the basement with the demon girl

-and there´s a scene in season 5 "Swan Song", after Sam said yes (is that latin? *scratches head*)


ash48 July 4 2011, 10:56:39 UTC
Thank you! <33


el1ie July 4 2011, 10:46:43 UTC
Crossroad Blues - Dean exorcises the first Crossroads Demon

Also, Sin City for Dean

Which was the body swap episode? Think there was some in there?

Sorry for the duplicates, not quick enough! ( ... )


ash48 July 4 2011, 10:57:45 UTC
It's the quick or the dead around here!

And yes... Swap Meat I think those kids use latin to summon up the demon.

Thank darl.


el1ie July 4 2011, 11:28:04 UTC
I think Dean and the kid both combine the chant to exorcise it too?


ash48 July 4 2011, 11:41:28 UTC
Oh yeah.. At the end... when they were being all bro!like together... (yuk!)

God I hated that ep...I was clipping it the other day and I just wanted to..... grrrrr....

lol... sorry. Didn't mean to unload..... *g*


el1ie July 4 2011, 12:00:54 UTC
Oh and Fallen Idols has the lady speaking Spanish to Sam about Abraham Lincoln - I cringe, but it might help.

Is there any chanting going on when those guys raise Eve? Can't remember, but someone might!

There's some angel language in some episodes too, I'll have a think which one's if you need it. French Mistake perhaps?

4.02 you get Bobby chanting and there's some nice Sam chanting in the cemetery in Red Sky?


ash48 July 4 2011, 13:58:59 UTC
oh yes... Red Sky... lots of chanting. And could be a good scene. (believe or not this is all for a crack vid... so what's actually happening in the scene while they are spouting is going to be very important...)

The Spanish will be great also..


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