Beta Sign ups for spn_reversebang 2016

Sep 08, 2016 12:00

Beta Sign-Ups 2016

Welcome to the post for people who would like to volunteer to beta art and fic for this challenge!

Details under the cut... )

challenge: 2016, mod post: 2016, .mod post: sign ups

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Comments 14

chomaisky September 8 2016, 11:56:08 UTC
LJ username, or preferred method of contact: chomaisky

I am willing to beta:
Type: Fic or Art (specify mediums) art
Ratings and Warnings:any

I am NOT willing to beta: nothing
Pairings: /
Ratings and Warnings: /


spnreversemod September 8 2016, 12:55:19 UTC
The very first beta volunteer, thank you :D


twoboys2love January 1 2017, 02:08:20 UTC
can I just comment to people here to see if they're available to beta?


(The comment has been removed)

spnreversemod September 23 2016, 15:01:52 UTC
Thanks for volunteering!


alyndra September 8 2016, 17:25:27 UTC
LJ username, or preferred method of contact:

I am willing to beta:
Type: Fic
Pairings: Wincest, poly, gen, rarepairs
Ratings and Warnings: any

I am NOT willing to beta:
Pairings: most rpf, most Destiel
Ratings and Warnings: may be daunted by very long fic


delicirony September 8 2016, 18:13:13 UTC
preferred method of contact: Tumblr would probably be best -

I am willing to beta:
Type: Fic or Art (anything apart from fanvids, I know too little about those)
Pairings: Destiel, light background other is fine if it's not above a gen or teen rating; gen fics
Ratings and Warnings: pretty much anything except for the ones listed below

I am NOT willing to beta:
Pairings: explicit Dean and/or Castiel with other people, Wincest, anything RPF
Ratings and Warnings: actual rape, permanent hurt/damage, MCD, seriously heavy kink, RPF, mpreg, a/b/o (depends on the fic though), extremely graphic descriptions torture and violence


gatorgurl94 September 8 2016, 19:53:49 UTC
LJ username, or preferred method of contact:gatorgurl94

I am willing to beta:
Type: Fic or Art (specify mediums) Fic
Pairings: Sam/Dean, J2, rarepairs, gen
Ratings and Warnings: G-NC-17

I am NOT willing to beta:
Pairings: Destiel, any Lucifer pairing
Ratings and Warnings: non-con, explicit torture or violence


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