Jan 19, 2015 15:00

There have been a few folks who've expressed concern with one of the RBB fics that included older versions of the actors' children in its character line-up. This is the first time this has come up in the RBB (under the current administration) and we confess, it flew under our collective radars. The fic in question is PG-13, and the worst that ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

dolnmoon January 19 2015, 21:03:03 UTC
Excellent choice.
I had no problem with using their children, it's not like they were harmed or marred, physically or in reputation. Besides we use their siblings and parents in fics all of the time, harmlessly using their offspring in an honorable manner shouldn't be offensive. I for one wrote a tiny pg fic depicting J2 and JJ at a tea party.


sailorhathor January 19 2015, 22:12:07 UTC
This is how I feel about the fic written for my prompt - the pairing was so innocent it was almost Gen, and the kids came out looking fine. I wrote an RPF fic about the SPN kids as young adults making a "Cooking Fast and Fresh with West" video for Yuletide a couple years back, and I don't think fics like that hurt anyone.


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sailorhathor January 19 2015, 22:18:22 UTC
>> No offense to the artist or the author; they probably didn't even realize the issues that myself and others might have.

No, I realized there may be issues. If the story written for my prompt had been laden with graphic sex, I would have encouraged we go in another direction. But in this case, the writer and I were on the same page just about the whole way through. The story is really very innocent pairing-wise. It's much more focused on the friendship between the kids and the supernatural threat.


bt_kady January 19 2015, 23:00:19 UTC
I'm with KeepWakingUp on this. I feel that, because they are currently still children, Thomas, JJ, Shepherd, Maison and West (and any other kids that follow) should not be allowed in ANY fic until they are adults. If fic writers want to give the characters children in fics, they should be fictional kids and not the real ones. This is a line that should NEVER be crossed, I don't care how innocently the fics are written or how PG.

While I appreciate that the mods will not allow prompts like this in the future, I personally feel this one should have been pulled.


unplugged32 January 19 2015, 21:50:24 UTC
I haven't read the story in question but as long as they aren't underage I wouldn't object. Many - if not most - RPF authors include the actors siblings/parents/extended families (including nieces and nephews who are small children) in stories and there haven't been objections up until now. That said, I support your decision because I hate when authors and readers become embroiled in conflict, it taints the whole challenge and ruins the fun. Setting clear guidelines regarding any issues that can be considered controversial is always a good idea!

Just to add; I hope that those who do find the story offensive express themselves in a way that offers constructive criticism and not in anger because there is nothing to be gained from that you know???


etoile_etiolee January 19 2015, 22:20:24 UTC
I'm glad the problem was adressed. I do not judge anyone -hell, I write mpreg and this fandom is so tolerant and accepting- and this is my personnal opinion, but I try to keep away from fics including the J's and Misha's kids. I can't even pinpoint what makes me uneasy when there is no underage sex or violence involved it's just a general feeling, although I'm sure this autor's fic is a good story and I intend in no way to be disrespectful.


annie46 January 19 2015, 22:35:28 UTC
I confess I wrote a story about an older Thomas finding out that his dad was with Jensen...I did angst over it for a long time but decided to post it anyway as Thomas was a lot older in that fic (as he is in the fic that has been written for this challenge). In some ways these are almost fictional characters because we cannot possibly know what the kids will be like when they do grow up.

However I understand how some people might be upset by all of this even though I'm not. In fact the thing that disturbs me most is people posting random pics of the little kids on Facebook or Twitter...


sailorhathor January 19 2015, 23:07:42 UTC
>> In some ways these are almost fictional characters because we cannot possibly know what the kids will be like when they do grow up.

Definitely agree with this. Sometimes I wonder why people change the lives and personalities of J2 in order to write a fic about them being mob bosses or gunslingers or something; why don't they just write an original story? But I realize people do it (one reason, anyway) because original stories don't get any attention on the internet, and they want their story to actually be read. This is similar. The actors have let us into their lives by posting info and pictures about their children, and sometimes we express our interest in their personal lives by writing RPF. Sometimes it's harmless, and sometimes we cross lines. Where that line is is up to the individual.


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sailorhathor January 20 2015, 00:14:20 UTC
>> Setting aside your bit about only writing RPF AU stories because original stories don't get attention ( ... )


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