
Feb 22, 2007 13:35

Is there anyone watching or a member of this comm named Alyssa? I just got another comment (like twenty minutes ago) from the person who'd contacted me before from the crew.

So far the crew likes the post card made by griseldajane, followed very closely by Alyssa's creation.

I've so run out of room, but keep them coming.

VancouverNightsSo, ( Read more... )

spp, omgsquee

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Comments 50

deathisyourart February 22 2007, 19:57:13 UTC
I've so run out of room, but keep them coming

GREAT! Now I have to think up what I'm going to put on a third round of postcards! These people just keep me working!


thirdsouthobbi February 22 2007, 20:01:13 UTC
I have to go buy more... Thank god they have them at the grocery store by my house for $.49 a piece. *G* I actually just sent Jared a letter yesterday because of the Fangoria con cancellation. This just... Dude, I'm all asquee. I thought the first comment was a fluke, but a second one basically confirming it just... My god, I'm so fucking happy.


deathisyourart February 22 2007, 20:04:53 UTC
Ya... my cards are not that cheap, but at least I like them! I saw one the other day of two kids fighting over a toy, I think I will grab that and write "Sam & Dean" on it. :P Although, I really am running out of superlatives to write on these cards...

I have to post the Networks address and get the overseas people to start sending for P:UL. I finished working out how the book is going to look, and I can't wait until it is finished and I can show you pictures, it is going to look SO COOL!


Best in Show vancouvernights February 23 2007, 00:02:43 UTC
DeathIsYourArt, which ones are yours? Either you don't sign it with your Nick or I haven't received any of them yet.



exposed1 February 22 2007, 20:00:54 UTC
I love that they are letting us know that they are getting them. The project was fun before but now it's like WOW crazy goodness!! Thanks for giving us updates!!!


thirdsouthobbi February 22 2007, 20:04:39 UTC
Well, they're LJ comments, so they show up in my inbox and I just... I had to squee. My dad's the only one here other than me, and he doesn't really get it (he sent one, though). I'm so totally going to get a picture of everyone at the Fangoria meetup this weekend and turn that into a postcard and send it.



nilla February 22 2007, 20:05:04 UTC
Dude! This is making me wish people would scan their post cards before they send them!! I wonder how they all look!! This is a rockin' awesome idea! If I ever manage to get off my lazy butt to make a post card or shop for one... I'll participate XD


thirdsouthobbi February 22 2007, 20:59:53 UTC
Well, not everyone has scanners... I scanned mine, and the ones my parents sent.

You can also use index cards, photos... Any card that's at least 3*4 inches in size. So, even if you can't find one, you can make one :) Yay!


cloex_brosluvr February 23 2007, 05:19:49 UTC
This is a scan of the one I sent...

... )


nilla February 23 2007, 05:28:55 UTC
That's cute!!! XD I wish I was that artistic... *sigh* I'll prolly send them a crappy post card with the golden gate on it and call it a day -___-;;


griseldajane February 22 2007, 20:33:57 UTC
Wow... like, I'm totally stunned. Brain is gone, I'm totally running on autopilot 'cause this is just so cool that I must have left the orbit of reality. Thank you so much for letting me know! I only hoped that my little postcard would make it across the border, let alone to be commented on by someone at the studio.

Yeah, and I totally spaced on commenting here when I sent it off... sorry about that! LOL


thirdsouthobbi February 22 2007, 20:45:18 UTC
Considering how good that artwork was, I'm not amazed it got commented on! That was lovely! And nope, you're still in reality :)

And it's cool :) I'm pretty sure other people never commented when they sent cards out, since he said they've run out of room and I only know of 89 cards that have been sent. So... Yeah. :)


tynkerbelle February 22 2007, 21:30:15 UTC
What did the postcard look like?


dude_isotopes February 22 2007, 22:42:28 UTC
Congrats! and I totally second tynkerbelle's question: What did it look like?


phantomas February 22 2007, 23:22:40 UTC
That's great news! :D

Will send another one, asap :)


thirdsouthobbi February 23 2007, 04:39:33 UTC
I'm still totally squeeing over this, dude, you have no idea. Well, actually, I'm sure you have some idea, since the whole thing WAS your idea... I totally need to find some goofy Chicago postcards. The only ones I ever find are pretty scenery shots of downtown or something.


phantomas February 23 2007, 13:31:39 UTC
I'm kind of jumping around with joy at this, yes *G* but hey, collective effort, we're all doing our bit.

We've got a Castle here, so I'm 'modyfying' the castle in the card - but, looking for a cool/goofy card that isn't tasteless is actually quite tough! Making our own is probably easier, somehow, methinks ;)

I posted on the JDMorgandotNET forum, I need to let people there too *nods*

Yay! *dances with you*


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