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Comments 26

playthefool September 26 2013, 15:35:26 UTC
Awkward as hell, omg. It's worse close up, you can see literally every photoshop blunder.

Oh CW. At least all the other promo materials have been awesome so far. XD


shrewlaura September 26 2013, 18:16:23 UTC
Y'all are too picky. Can we not just enjoy the sexy without dissecting every detail? I mean, come on. That guy in the back is an angel of the Lord, that other guy by the shed was Lucifer for a while, that attractive gentleman in the front is a frequent time-traveler, and we're getting hung up on photoshop?


tikific September 26 2013, 18:35:15 UTC
Why did they bother shooting all those spiffy new promo pix if they're just gonna go all Photoshop on our assbutts?


sephi77 September 27 2013, 08:02:51 UTC
Is it just me, or is Cas's knees WAYYY lower than they should be?.. o_0 Why can't we get a natural look poster? Love everything about it except the photoshop.


fandomresponse September 28 2013, 01:17:49 UTC
Yeeeaaahhh... It does look a little bit like Castiel borrowed the legs of Kimihiro Watanuki, doesn't it?

... )


leesquared October 1 2013, 01:41:05 UTC
Okay, looking into this, I think I know what happens in the first couple eps... Cas has an issue with his fall and slowly becomes Slenderman. Dean becomes one-quarter hairspray!elf while looking for a jacket that isn't magically separated from the universe. Confused, he adopts a reverse soul patch. Sam accidentally shrunk his shirt (srs, nipples? Wrong character to make Batman it.) and is now dying the hair on one arm to show his emo cred. His Pantene addiction continues to rage.

Crowly is defeated when he laughs so hard he accidentally exorcises himself.


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