Supernatural Premiere Meetup?

Jul 13, 2009 16:56

Hello everyone,

riotgirl77 and I were discussing a great venue to have the Supernatural premiere meetup. It's at Professor Thom's Bar and Restaurant. It has this great place upstairs with large TVs, a bar where we can order food/drinks and an awesome creepy atmosphere.

Best of all, we'd have the place to ourselves, meaning no loud patrons interrupting our viewing of the show.

The catch is, there is a refundable fee (read that: REFUNDABLE) of $100 to secure the place, but trust me, it's so worth it. And if enough people pitch in (i.e. about 20) it'll only come up to about $5 a head. Which, might I remind you, you'll get back.

The deposit will be taken care of!:D

Sounds good right?

So vote and let me know. The more people we get on board for this, the more fun the experience.;)

So, what say you?

Bad news, guys. We can't secure the place unless we have at least 100 people for the premiere party, which sucks big time.:( But don't worry. I'm working on securing another place which is just as good, or even better to have our meetup. Stay tuned.


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