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Comments 43

shirozora March 13 2011, 12:45:24 UTC
Name: shirozora
Age & Location: 21 & SoCal, USA
Interests: SPN, TRON, Doctor Who, NuTrek, South Park
What's on your journal, and is it friend-locked?: well right now it's mainly TRON stuff but SPN is slowly filtering back in; I don't friends-lock anything unless it's extremely personal so have at it, :Db

How/when I discovered SPN: uh...earlier this week on Tumblr when someone reblogged boazpriestly's fantastic graphic
Favorite episode(s): just give me S2/S4 and we're good
Favorite character(s): Castiel, Kali, Ellen, Jo, Mary, Crowley, Gabriel, Rufus, Bobby
Favorite ship(s): Dean/Castiel, Sam/Jess, Gabriel/Crowley/Kali

How/when I got into TNG: Tumblr reblog of an SPN: TNG graphic
Favorite TNG character(s): our apparent main trio - Ben, Claire, Jesse
Favorite TNG ship(s): none (for now)

Post a SPN quote: "Writing is hard."
Post a SPN pic/gif:

... )


thegeminisage March 21 2011, 23:06:51 UTC
Late but omg Tron is awesome <3_<3 How did you feel about the sequel?


shirozora March 21 2011, 23:08:55 UTC
It took over my life is how good it is, DX I'd love to write more Next Gen but nope, instead I'm filling prompts at tronkinkmeme, fuck a duck.


thegeminisage March 21 2011, 23:12:17 UTC
<333 I am happy to hear you're not a sequel hater! It was my first 3D movie and I almost couldn't watch it for all the stars in my eyes.

ps - I giggled because "fuck a duck" could sort of be a kinkmeme prompt in itself /o\


mikes_grrl March 13 2011, 14:48:19 UTC
Name: Mikey
Age & Location: 41, Florida
Interests: hmmm...coffee counts, right?
What's on your journal, and is it friend-locked?: The Den is solely a fic journal; I have a personal journal elsewhere.

How/when I discovered SPN: Season four - a good friend kept pestering me to watch it because I'm a meta whore and she knew I'd love it.
Favorite episode(s): Lazarus Rising
Favorite character(s): Castiel, Dean, Sam
Favorite ship(s): Castiel/Dean, Amelia/Jesse/Ben

How/when I got into TNG: A friend was all hot for it, and I got bunnied, and when I wrote the story I fell for the kids.
Favorite TNG character(s): Amelia/Jesse/Ben
Favorite TNG ship(s): see above. ;)

Post a SPN quote: "Last time someone looked at me like that, I got laid."
Post a SPN pic/gif: I gots none! I just watch other peoples' pretty. *tries not to sound stalkery*

Other active fandoms: Life on Mars (UK), Hot Fuzz, SGA, due South
Any additional info: Grad student and professional writer; single; Wonder Woman fan. I will, honestly, lurk and comment occassionally, as ( ... )


bourne_parker March 13 2011, 15:43:53 UTC
Name: bourne_parker
Age & Location: 23 Kansas (no really I do live there)
Interests: Fandom takes over my life
What's on your journal, and is it friend-locked?: Random Fandom stuff and it's open.

How/when I discovered SPN: I read brothers from Kansas somewhere so had to watch
Favorite episode(s): Free To Be You and Me
Favorite character(s): Dean, Castiel, Gabriel
Favorite ship(s): Any combo of the above^

How/when I got into TNG: Tumblr
Favorite TNG character(s): Lucas and Jesse
Favorite TNG ship(s): Jesse/Ben

Post a SPN quote: Hey Ass Butt!
Post a SPN pic/gif: Sadness I don't have any

Other active fandoms: Arthur/Merlin(Merlin), Josh/Sam(The West Wing), Dan/Casey(Sports Night), Dan/Jack(The Good Guys), Eric/Sam(True Blood), Sam/Tommy(True Blood), Kirk/Spock(Star Trek), Peter/Neal(White Collar), Peter/Neal/Elizabeth(White Collar), Peter/Sylar(Heroes), Will/Finn(Glee), Steve/Tony(Marvel Comics), Spencer/Brendon(Panic! A The Disco), Gabe/Travis(Cobra Starship/Gym Class Heroes), Pete/Patrick(Fall Out Boy), Lassiter/Shawn(Psych), ( ... )


grlkat2 March 13 2011, 21:37:37 UTC
Because you put it in parenthesis, I really have to ask. Don't take me seriously though =D

Do you wish Kansas was looked at as a cooler state since Smallville AND Supernatural have their origins there, meaning the boys are all from Kansas?

Also, Peter/Neal/Elizabeth? Can I love you now or later? Along with the Sirius/Remus and the Brian/Justin?


bourne_parker March 14 2011, 11:59:53 UTC
I wish Kansas was a cooler state, but that's just me.

How can you not love Peter/Neal/Elizabeth? So you can love me now later or whenever. Sirius/Remus were my first OTP and every slasher should watch QAF I believe that.


grlkat2 March 14 2011, 12:37:25 UTC
At least there's the NCAA now for Kansas *shrugs*

And I totally agree. Did you try watching the UK version? I thought that the US version was a LOT better.


amoama March 14 2011, 00:18:45 UTC
Name: Anna
Age & Location: 25, London
Interests: The obvious. Human Rights. Reading. Bookshops. Coffee.
What's on your journal, and is it friend-locked?: Not much. I'm working on it.

How/when I discovered SPN: Got coaxed in by a friend about 4 months ago. May never get back out.
Favorite episode(s): I know what you did last summer, On the head of a Pin, All the ones at the end of s5, Home, Something Wicked...
Favorite character(s): Dean, Cas, Crowley, Sam, Ruby, Young Mary
Favorite ship(s): Dean/Cas, Sam/Ruby, Crowley/Bobby

How/when I got into TNG: Tumblr
Favorite TNG character(s): Claire, Jesse, Michael, Dashiel (does he count?)
Favorite TNG ship(s): Claire/Jesse/Ben or any combination, Jesse/Dashiel

Post a SPN quote: Are we done feeling our feelings?
Post a SPN pic/gif:
... )


horselovergurl March 14 2011, 05:08:12 UTC
Name: Stephanie
Age & Location: 19, Florida
Interests: Reading, writing, painting, watching too many movies and tv, roller skating, hoop dance, fire spinning, photography, film, eating and sleeping.
What's on your journal, and is it friend-locked?: I have sadly not been updating a lot lately, but I hope to get active on LJ again, although the life of a college student is a bit random. It's friend-locked but if you just say hi I'll probably add you :)

How/when I discovered SPN: About 3 years ago, there was a marathon on TV. It's funny cause I thought the show was stupid before I actually saw it...and now I'm totally in love with it.
Favorite episode(s): Ugh so many to choose from, but I really love In My Time of Dying and Faith...I love them ALL.
Favorite character(s): I'm a Dean girl, but Cas also holds my heart <3 I love Sam too, but not nearly as much as Dean or Cas lol.
Favorite ship(s): I'm a big fan of Dean/Cas, and sometimes Dean/Jo. Not really into Wincest but I'm not super squicked by it.

How/when I got into TNG: It was on ( ... )


grlkat2 March 14 2011, 12:39:14 UTC
The love I have for your first gif. OUR FANDOM IS SO DAMN QUICK!

And the second one. I was just thinking of rewatching that episode too =D



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