Supernatural Gender and Race breakdown for S3

May 17, 2008 23:07

Gender Breakdown of Alignment of Supernatural S3 Characters Alignment F

No % No % Difference Evil 5 9% 8 10% -1% Good 7 12% 8 10% 3% Neutral 35 61% 44 53% 8% Not Known 3 5% 12 14% -9% Possessed 7 12% 11 13% -1% Total 57

Gender Breakdown of Fate of Supernatural S3 Characters
Fate F

No % No % Difference Alive 17 30% 22 27% 3% Dead 22 39% 42 51% -12% Not Known 3 5% 13 16% -10% Survived 15 26% 6 7% 19% Total 57

Race Breakdown of Alignment of Supernatural S3 Characters
Alignment Not PoC

No % No % Difference Evil 12 11% 1 7% 4% Good 8 7% 6 43% -36% Neutral 67 61% 3 21% 40% Not Known 7 6% 1 7% -1% Possessed 15 14% 3 21% -8% Total 109

Race Breakdown of Fate of Supernatural S3 Characters
Fate Not PoC

No % No % Difference Alive 30 28% 2 14% 13% Dead 54 50% 8 57% -8% Not Known 7 6% 2 14% -8% Survived 18 17% 2 14% 2% Total 109

In Summary there were proportionately:
  • More Neutral Women than Men
  • More Dead Men than Women
  • More Women had to Survive attacks than Men
  • More Good People of Colour than Caucasian
  • Less Neutral People of Colour than Caucasian
  • More Possessed People of Colour than Caucasian
  • Less Alive People of Colour than Caucasian
  • More Dead People of Colour than Caucasian
Please note:
  1. Not enough numbers for significant statistical analysis; certainly enough for case by case discussion.
  2. Totals do not always add to 100% - this is due to rounding.
  3. The numbers in red are highlighting any variation over 5%, this is for convenience and has no deep, mysterious statistical significance.
Breakdown of Deaths according to Gender and presentation of death. Sexy Death? Female   Male       Number % Number % Difference No 18 82% 45 98% -16% Yes 4 18% 1 2% 16% Total 22   46    
*Raw Data
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