Podfic: SPN- Let Sleeping Little Brothers Lie- Faye Dartmouth

Feb 12, 2010 10:22

Story title: Let Sleeping Little Brothers Lie
Story author: faye_dartmouth
Read by: jenilees
Rating: gen-humour
Format: mp3
Text link to original story:
Lj- http://faye-dartmouth.livejournal.com/13316.html
ffnet- http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3603879/1/Let_Sleeping_Little_Brothers_Lie
Approximate length: 1:10
Story summary: Dean knew that he shouldn't mess with witches. Especially not vengeful ones with a sense of humor.

Link to temporary file: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xqiavk

Links hosted at jinjurly's audio archive:

Let Sleeping brothers Lie was a gift to faye_dartmouth for the secretsanta gift exchange this Christmas, over at limpsam. She is graciously allowing me to post her gift to share with everyone who is interested. A special thank you to Faye for not only writing this but for sharing.

reader:jenilee, format:mp3, genre:humor, rating:g

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