Prompts Master List

Sep 14, 2007 09:53

Welcome to the prompts master list. Here you'll find links to all the episodes we've collected prompts on so far. Rules on posting prompts and claiming prompts are listed below.

Posting Prompts
Prompts can be missing scenes, tags or AU's, basically anything that directly relates to an episode.

Posting prompts couldn't be easier, just comment to the post leaving your suggested prompt. You can post even if you don't intend to write anything and you can post as many as you want. However, this is a Wincest free community, please keep this in mind when leaving prompts.
There are no deadlines for prompts.

Claiming Prompts
To claim a suggested prompt simply comment to the thread stating clearly which prompt you would like and if you are happy to share the prompt with others. You don't need to post a prompt to claim a prompt.

Please be aware this is a Wincest free community.

There are no due dates! So once you've claimed take as little or as long as you like (but not too long, we're an impatient bunch sometimes!) There's no upper word limit, but fics must be at least 100 words (a drabble).

Once you've completed the fic please post a link to it at spn_epific. There's no limit on where else you can post it as long as its posted here. Please read the guidelines on posting fic here before you post. If in doubt or you have any questions either leave a comment below or here.

The Master Prompts List

1x06 Skin Prompts
1x11 Scarecrow Prompts

2x12 Nightshifter Prompts
2x19 Folsom Prison Blues Prompts

prompts master list

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