Yours (Dean/Castiel)

Jan 22, 2011 00:31

Title: Yours
Author: cashay
Rating: NC-17
Genre || Pairing: hurt/comfort || Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: you're good to go if you've seen 6.07 or know about Sam's little problem ;)
Warnings: violence, sex
Word Count: ~4277
Summary: Dean gets kidnapped by a handful of angels who want revenge for the averted apocalypse. A very, very pissed of Castiel comes to the rescue and makes it plain who Dean belongs to.
A/N: Prompt "violence " for hc_bingo and "type: rough" for kissbingo .
No beta, sorry for any mistakes. Especially with the tenses they really were a bitch this time and I hope I got it all right when I edited it.

Happy belated birthday to fate_incomplete who wanted hurt!Dean and BAMF!Castiel to the rescue! Thanks for all your help with my Gabriel Big Bang and just for being awesome :D Hope you enjoy your BAMFy Cas xD

Dean groaned in pain as he was flung against the wall of the cheap motel room. God, he missed the simple salt-and-burn times! Not that he hadn't been flung across his fair share of rooms then too but at least he had a more than fair chance to actually grill the fucker who did it afterwards.

But against the halo patrol? He didn't really stood a chance. Not that he hadn't already taken out his fair share of angels but that had mostly been luck and he had been prepared those times. Now he had no idea in the fucking world how the hell those dicks had found him and Sam.

Not only weren't they supposed to find them thanks to the Enochian sigils Castiel had branded into their bones but the damn apocalypse was actually over already. There was really no reason to try and drag him or his brother anywhere.

With their luck they were probably here to take revenge and by the way none of the angels tried to talk to much and convince him of the greater good, God's plan or another random and stupid concept this possibility grew more and more likely. Shit. It was just perfect timing for those pricks to get them while Castiel wasn't around.

Sam wasn't much better of than he was. He didn't really stand a chance against a few pissed of angels, even without a soul. They were pretty much fucked up so to speak. Even though the chances of dying immediately had gone done a bit he was still pretty sure that after the angels had done whatever they wanted to do they would still be very dead.

“You should have just played your roles mud monkeys.” It was Blondie who spoke those words - since all of them wore suits Dean had decided to distinguish by hair color - but he failed epically at sounding threatening and Dean couldn't stop himself from a short bark of laughter. Which - maybe - wasn't appropriate but come on!

Those wanna-be badasses really tried to intimidate them of all people. Not that they would've been able to intimidate him when Sam still had his soul but right now they would have an impossible task creating any feeling in the younger one of the Winchester brothers.

That just left Dean to intimidate and he was feeling more like laughing in their faces right now than fearing them. He had dealt with so many creatures a hundred times worse in the last years this was really just funny to him. “C'mon I'm supposed to be afraid of you?” he managed to croak out in between laughter. “I've kicked the asses of all your major archangelic dicks. I have beaten the fucking devil and I'm supposed to be afraid of five suits?”

If he hadn't been pinned to the wall he would have doubled over laughing now. That brought him a very hard kneeing into his guts but he only grunted and glared at the black guy who had been the one to put his knee in Dean's stomach. “There will be punishment.” Blondie intoned again. “We will show you real pain and you will wish to never have gone against the will of our Father.”

If his stomach wasn't hurting like hell - damn angelic strength - Dean would probably have started to laugh again. Instead he just chuckled, grinning broadly and very provoking at the black angel before he looked at Blondie again who was still giving his speech about unworthy mud monkeys, destiny, the apocalypse and the horrors they would endure until there was nothing left of them to even feel sorry for failing God's Will. Nothing Dean hadn't heard countless times in countless variations. It was just the typical stupid speech of creatures far to dumb for their own good.

“You know.” Dean interrupted him. “I seriously doubt that you are going to be successful in your task to bring unspoken horrors to us until we surrender and so on and so forth. Blabla.” He chuckled again but eyed black guy warily since his knee did hurt. “I've been in hell your brainless douchebags. Come back when you're as creative as Alastair which means never.”

This time he was punched in the chest hard enough to prevent him from breathing far to long if you asked Dean. Blondie smirked at him and Dean wondered briefly when angels had learned to fucking look this smug!

His soulless little brother wasn't helping much, just hanging there, looking at him with a slight curiosity but obviously without the need to do anything. But really he shouldn't be surprised. “We don't need to be creative. You're going to be in pain and then you die.” This time it was the black guy speaking, already landing slow punches on him that hurt like fucking hell! “If you soul goes to hell, that's good. If it goes to heaven - what I doubt - even better.”

Oh shit. Oh shit. He was really in deep trouble. And there was no one anywhere near to rescue them. Not that they could since those whackos had angel mojoed them in some kind of cellar, really looked very much like a torture chamber. Awesome really. Despite Deans earlier taunts angels could actually get quite creative regarding torture but Dean would've never taken those five idiots for being anything but brainless.

Maybe he had been wrong and maybe Raphael was involved which would mean big trouble. But even though he had broken in hell it had taken a pretty long time. And he wasn't about to make the same mistake twice. Those angels might have some creative ideas on how to torture him, but there was never anyone who would be able to be as good as Alastair or himself for that matter. Otherwise they wouldn't have needed him to get information out of the demon who had been his master in hell.

It still hurt when the black guy took a knife and took his time carving symbols into him, only to tell him the meaning of the Enochian insult in English the best he could. Which was apparently a long and wide explanation in how this fit to Dean and/or his family and loved ones. Despite the hurt Dean snorted. This was all they got? It was nearly a compliment to call it weak.

This was how it went on. Hours of cutting, burning, breaking bones, dislocating limbs and doing everything else that could hurt. Thankfully they forgot to heal them in between and so Dean soon wasn't really aware of the pain anymore as his mind just closed done like it had learned to do in hell. No, definitely not creative.


It wasn't until much later that he was aware of anything but the pain again. It was a blinding white light and the high pitched noise that accompanied an angel outside of his vessel. Even though this time the angel sounded a bit pissed. But that was probably just Dean's delusional state.

There was someone touching his face gently and he jerked away. Maybe the light had meant Raphael or some other high angel had arrived to have his way with the defiant Winchester brothers. His hearing had suffered under the loud, high sound of the angels voice and so he wasn't able to hear anything besides low whispers that seemed reassuring but could be death threats for all Dean knew. The hand that had touched him reappeared, gently caressing his cheek. There was something familiar in the touch that actually had Dean relaxing slightly.

All of a sudden the pain was gone. But not only the pain but it also felt like his body was healed completely. Dean hadn't had much time to process the sudden change in his physical well-being before he was released from the chains.

Even though thanks to his mysterious rescuer he could stand alone fairly well he was still held in the arms of said unknown person. Maybe it wouldn't be that big of a mystery if he would actually open his eyes to see the other person. Silently Dean scolded himself for his stupidity, vowing to never ever let anyone know about this particular part of the incident.

His eyes slowly blinked open, wary of the bright light that had temporarily blended him, despite having been healed in the meantime. The arms around him tightened slightly and even before his eyes had focused on the man - or more precisely angel - holding him, he knew who it was.

“Cas.”, he mumbled, smiling weakly. He couldn't think of any occasion he had been happier to see the angel who had rebelled for him. Okay, maybe when he had rescued him from Zachariah right before Sam had freed Lucifer. Or when his attempt to shoot the devil had failed. Or... Okay there had been occasions he had been just as happy but still. This one definitely made it in the Top Ten.

There was a scowl on his angels face and Dean frowned taking his time to look around only to notice that everything in the room seemed to be plastered with bits of human flesh, blood and bowels. “Cas... What the fuck happened?”, he managed to ask instead of throwing up. It was a close call though.

Cas growled slightly, something Dean wasn't used to hear from his angel and he looked nearly shocked as he watched the face of Castiel turn into something that would have suited every vengeful angel ever mentioned in the bible or anywhere else for that matter. He actually was afraid.

Another part of the story he wouldn't ever be telling anyone. “Cas?”, he asked again as he got no answer, his voice giving away a bit of his poorly hidden fear. Now his angel looked down at him, anger turning into concern as he pulled him even closer in an unusual human gesture.

“Where is Sam?”, was his next question as he noted his brothers absence despite his best efforts to not look at anything but Castiel since the room still made his stomach revolt. His eyes had returned to the angel who's face still could make a storm front jealous.

“I sent him to his motel room. I assumed you did not want him to see you in such a vulnerable state given the fact that he is still lacking his soul.”, Castiel told him firmly and looked more protective than Dean could ever remember him being.

He nodded and tried to get out of the angels hold and put a few feet between them, given his bodies reaction to the intimate contact now the immediate shock was gone. But Cas just wouldn't let him go, still looking overprotective and more pissed than Dean had ever seen him. Excluding the time he had beaten him up in this ally and Dean just hoped he didn't plan to repeat that particular night.

Instead Castiel suddenly mojoed them somewhere way cleaner and less nauseating. “Cas?”, Dean started again but stopped as he saw the tension in his angel who had now taken two steps back and was looking at him. Instead he reached out with a tentative hand, taking hold of the other mans wrist and squeezing lightly. “It's okay you know? You smoked the bastards or... whatever you did to them.”

But Castiel stayed as stiff as he was, intense eyes still boring into Dean. Reluctantly he let go of Castiels wrist even though he refused to look away from those blue eyes. A small shiver ran down his spine but that wasn't unusual around this particular angel, especially when he was looking at him like this.

“I'm safe now Cas.”, he tried again. But this was apparently the wrong thing to say because Castiel was gripping his shoulders so strong it was actually hurting. He hissed silently, his own hands clenching themselves into the startlingly soft fabric of the trenchcoat. “They never should have been able to take you in the first place.”, he growled lowly in his chest.

The rumble made Dean's heartbeat speed up and he forced himself not to think about certain inappropriate things right now. Instead he focused on the matter at hand which was a pissed of Castiel. He looked like he was ready to rip apart another room full of angels and Dean was a bit worried his anger would turn onto him. “Hey Cas.” he tried to sound reassuring. “It's... okay really. No need to worry and all.”

Apparently that had been the wrong thing to say because the grip around his shoulder tightened even more making him wince slightly. This at least got Castiel's attention and he looked at him like he was something breakable. “I will make sure no angel will dare to come near you ever again.” His voice sounded more threatening than reassuring.

Dean shuddered involuntarily as the image of the remains of the angels came back to his mind and he wondered if Castiel would fry a few more of them to bring his point across in heaven. It was civil war up there after all a simple warning probably wouldn't do a thing.

Before he could think anything that would disturb him further he found himself being pushed onto the cheap motel bed. He yelped and tried to sit up, unable to get a hang off the situation, but was pushed back on his back by a still growling Castiel. The angel loomed over him, his blue eyes piercing into Dean with enough intensity that the hunter was sure Castiel was looking right into his soul.

Afterwards Dean wasn't really sure how they went from staring at each other to kissing. But in that particular moment he couldn't care less because Castiel was kissing him. It was far from gentle, all lips and teeth and very little tongue in the beginning but Dean arched up into the angel nonetheless. Castiel was now pressed against him, pinning him down to the mattress with his inhuman strength.

A soft mewling sound escaped Dean as Castiel bit down on his bottom lip - hard - and he would have been ashamed of it if he had been with anyone else. But this was Cas. Castiel, his angel and he radiated possessiveness, protection and need all over.

“Mine.” Castiel growled into the kiss, making shivers run through Deans body. His hands stopped fisting the sheets and he once more held on to Castiel, pulling him closer. There wasn't any of the battle for dominance Dean would normally have when having sex with another man as Castiels tongue pushed into his mouth, claiming it.

He was just unable to resist the way he was trapped under the angel, for once really inferior to his partner. The way Castiels arms held him close, unspoken promises to keep him safe. The way his tongue devoured his mouth, like he is the most precious thing in the world, the only one Castiel could ever possibly want. All of this made him go crazy with need.

The kisses left him panting and achingly hard. He tried to rub against Cas for any sort of friction, but the angel growled again, warningly this time and Dean couldn't do anything but shudder helplessly and obey the silent command to keep still. “Mine.”, the angel announced again, as his lips wandered down Dean's jaw, kissing and sucking.

A loud gasp escaped Dean and he couldn't stop himself from bucking up as Castiel bit down hard on the sensitive spot on his throat, right below his jaw. A low chuckle was audible as the angel made his way down Dean's throat, licking, sucking and biting down on the tender skin. Dean trashed under him, unable to keep himself from moving as the sensation of Castiels mouth on his throat sent his brain into overdrive.

By the time Castiel made it to the juncture between throat and shoulder Dean was already a shivering mess. He moaned loudly every time he felt the wetness of Castiels mouth on his skin, unable to control any of the sounds he made. His angel lingered a bit at Deans shoulder, nibbling on his collarbone and getting those embarrassing mewling and whimpering sound from him again before he licked his way up again.

This time it was Dean who captured Castiels lips in a passionate kiss. He opened his mouth to Castiels demanding tongue without any hesitation and just enjoyed feeling this possessed and wanted. The kiss ended when the need for oxygen became to strong - at least for Dean, since angels didn't need any of that. Panting he averted his gaze from Castiel, he wasn't able to look the angel in the eye. This was far to intense, far to much of everything for Dean.

He gasped as the angel grasped his shoulder, right where the handprint was and his lips brushed against Deans ear. “Mine.” he growled. “You are mine Dean Winchester.” A soft, needy moan escaped Deans mouth at those words. He needed Castiel. Needed the angel more than he had ever needed anything or anyone.

“Please.”, he whispered in a small and pleading voice. He felt so vulnerable letting himself feel all this need and even more so since Castiel could see it, feel it. But there was no way he was going to cop out now. Not that Castiel would let him.

Fingers were pressed against his mouth and every though of chickening out was lost when Castiel commanded “Suck.”. Obediently Dean opened his mouth to take the fingers into his mouth and suck on the digits. He shivered in anticipation as Castiel shifted slightly and opened his jeans, tugging it down with his underwear while Dean did his best in wetting the angels fingers.

He made a sort of disappointed noise in the back of his throats as Castiel withdrew his hand, chuckling softly in response. Dean wondered how Cas had managed to remove his underwear and jeans completely as a finger was suddenly pushed inside of him. He clenched down on it, never having experienced this side of gay sex.

“Sh...” Cas soothed him, stroking his hair and kissing him softly for the first time since the whole thing started. “Relax Dean.” His voice still sounded very much commanding but also a bit worried and Dean realized how much Castiel probably was afraid of hurting him. He nodded slightly, burying his face in the crook of Castiels neck, inhaling the familiar scent.

His body slowly relaxed under Castiels careful fingers, which elicited more of those small embarrassing sounds to escape Deans mouth. The angel took his time stretching him, fingers brushing against his prostate every so often and making Dean actually scream in pleasure. Castiel apparently liked that, since he took his time just rubbing against the sweet spot until Deans voice was hoarse and he panted, hands clenching painfully into Castiels body.

Castiel seemed to be content with his level of preparation after that since he removed his fingers, ignoring Deans wordless protest. How his angel had gotten naked was a mystery to him. His own nakedness was an even bigger one and he just settled for the easiest explanation: Angel mojo.

Not that Castiel encouraged him thinking to much, since his fingers were about to be replaced by the angels cock which was lined up at his opening. Dean whimpered softly which resulted in Castiels hand stroking through his hair soothingly. A kiss was pressed to his temple before Castiel started to press into him.

Dean braced himself immediately as he felt the pain of being entered, his eyes clenching shut. Castiel stopped as soon as Dean tensed up, kissing him and murmuring how Dean was his over and over again. His mouth found its way to Deans throat, nibbling and biting until arousal and pleasure had overridden pain. His angel continued this sweet torment for a bit until he moved again, stopping a second time when Dean tensed again. He then started to loosen up the hunter again.

This continued until Castiel was completely buried inside of him. The silence in the room was only broken by their panting and moaning, the small noises Dean kept making and Castiels growled declarations of “Mine!”.

Castiel didn't move, leaving Dean the time to get adjusted to having someone else inside of him, even though the hunter only wanted Castiel to fuck him senseless right now, no matter how sore he would be in the morning. But all his whimpering and begging - yes begging - was of no use.

“Please Cas. Please.” There was no way Dean wouldn't deny his whimpering afterwards but right now he couldn't care less. He needed this and that was what he told Cas. “Please Cas I need this. I need you.”

This seemed to be the words Castiel had waited for all along. After those words Deans world became pure pleasure. His angel moved inside of him, heat and lust and so much more. Dean became a moaning, panting, pleading mess under him, lost in the sensation of their bodies moving together. Castiel felt so right to him, more than anyone ever had ever done. This was everything he could ever ask for and more.

He felt safe, even in this moment of pure pleasure and human need he felt safe. He felt safe because it's Cas. There had never been any doubt that the angel would do anything for him. From the moment Castiel rebelled against Heaven he had always belonged to Dean. And Dean had belonged to Castiel from the start, he had born his mark since the angel had dragged him back from Hell.

But there was no way Dean was capable of any coherent thought now his angel was filling him, pounding into him and still managing to treat him like he was the most fragile being there was.

Dean was crying out - loud - by the time he reached climax, Castiel hitting his prostate over and over. His hands clawed into Castiels back as the angel took his time, thrusting into Dean lazily after the hunter had long come until Dean felt the angel tense over him. The angel pressed as close as humanly possible, showering Dean's face with kisses while Dean could feel him coming, still buried deep inside of him.


Afterwards Castiel curled around Dean, holding him like he could disappear at any minute. Since Castiel was the one that tended to vanish and not show up for weeks Dean felt like this really was a bit inappropriate. But he let the angel do it nonetheless since Castiel seemed to need it as much as Dean had needed the sex or more precisely Castiel earlier.

He really didn't know what had happened and when he was honest he didn't want to talk about it either. Because this changed everything. He and Cas had been good but now they had had sex and Dean knew that sex just changed things. It changed everything. Especially if the person you had sex with was an angel. And if said angel was not only in charge of Heaven but also in the middle of a civil war. This couldn't work as something more serious. But Dean didn't want a fuck-buddy. He really was afraid that this would fuck everything up - so to speak.

God he really wished he could still be in post coital bliss, far to happy to think. But as soon as the haze had lifted from his brain he had started to think and his fucked up brain didn't stop one minute of the time he was lying here with Cas, actually snuggling.

Castiel must have sensed his worries or maybe he was just reading his thoughts because the angels had chosen this exact moment to look at him and growl. Dean was startled that Castiel would actually growl at him while not having sex but damn this was still really hot. “You will not retract Dean Winchester.” Castiel told him in a voice that made clear he wouldn't accept any excuses. “You are mine. I do not share. And I do not let anyone hurt what is mine. You are safe Dean. I will take care of you.”

Dean fought down the urge to joke and somehow get out of this situation. He was about to tell Cas he wasn't a girl who needed some knight in a shining armor to rescue and take care of her. But there was something in his angels eyes that stopped him. Maybe it was the love. Maybe it was the unspoken promise of safety and care and home. Maybe it was something else entirely.

Whatever it was, there was no joke coming out of Deans mouth, no rude words to get Castiel to back off. Because this was huge and it was scaring the crap out of Dean. He had always been the one to protect, the one to be strong. He didn't need anyone to take care of him. There was no way Dean would ever admit how lonely he felt sometimes, how much the weight on his shoulders was crushing him, how much he wanted to be taken care of at least once. Whatever it was that kept him from trying to push Castiel away because no one, not even an angel, could take the burden that was Dean Winchester, it worked.

No jokes, no rude words, no facade. “Yours.” was all that left Dean Winchester's mouth. Everything he felt was put in this little word, everything he ever could feel. Because this was more than he had ever hoped for, more than he had allowed himself to dream off.

He was Castiels and for the first time in many, many years Dean Winchester was genuinely happy.

fanfic: slash, rating: nc-17

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