DEW: Distract Those Denim Wrapped Nightmares

Oct 25, 2014 00:19

Title: Distract Those Denim Wrapped Nightmares
Characters: Castiel, Crowley
Genre: Gen
Rating: G ( Read more... )

author:evelyncarver, drabble, fic: gen, dew, castiel, crowley, season 6

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Comments 4

zelda_addict October 25 2014, 15:49:50 UTC
Interesting how Cas knows exactly what to use to distract Dean... XD


evelyncarver October 26 2014, 05:23:22 UTC
Ha ha! I never thought of that. Maybe Cas could just distract Dean with his body . . .


dizzojay October 27 2014, 20:33:46 UTC
'Featherbrain' :)
I can just see Crowley calling Castiel that, and Castiel just taking it in that passive way of his!

Lovely job :)


evelyncarver October 28 2014, 21:50:24 UTC
Thanks :) I figured Cas needed a nickname from Crowley. (Although I sort of remember Crowley calling him 'feathers' in the show).


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