DEW Double Drabble: Like You

Jun 01, 2014 22:52

SUMMARY: Timestamp to "Who The Hell...." The first uncomfortable meal after Sam goes mad.

Dean poked at his salad, pushing it around his plate.

Sammy looked wrong - with the buzzed hair and leather jacket, all swagger and bluster.

Dean had spent the last two hours trying to show Sammy that he was Sammy and not Dean. Then he'd spent another ( Read more... )

rating: g, season 3, sam, au, dew, dean, author:jennytork

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Comments 4

dizzojay June 4 2014, 21:45:55 UTC
Oh those poor boys!
As if they're not screwed up enough already, something like this would truly befuddle them :)
Nice work!


jennytork June 25 2014, 07:01:40 UTC
Thank you so very much!


vexed_wench June 8 2014, 22:50:20 UTC
Oh that would be hard on them.


jennytork June 25 2014, 07:01:50 UTC
It would and it was!


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