Team Diet: A Dream Come True

Feb 22, 2014 22:57

Title: A Dream Come True
Characters/Pairing: Dean Winchester & Doctor Sexy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: It's Dr. Sexy's turn to ask a question.
A/N: Sixth in the Doctor Sexy drabbles. written for spn_bigpretzel

a dream come true )

dr. sexy, team diet, author:angelus2hot, dean

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Comments 8

candygramme February 23 2014, 04:05:16 UTC
Dean being a fanboy is kinda delightful. Never again will he call Sam a geek!


angelus2hot February 25 2014, 01:21:42 UTC
Thanks! Oh he still might. :D


dizzojay February 23 2014, 07:55:40 UTC
Welcome to our world, fanboy Dean :)


angelus2hot February 25 2014, 01:22:12 UTC
And what a world it is. :D


auntmo9 February 23 2014, 15:39:21 UTC
Dean deserves and needs some wonderful days like this.


angelus2hot February 25 2014, 01:22:31 UTC
He truly does.


metallidean_grl February 23 2014, 21:59:14 UTC
Loving this little story. Very nice. Good for Dean for being able to control his enthusiasm and not look like a total dork.


angelus2hot February 25 2014, 01:22:53 UTC
Thank you very much!


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