Supernatural infographs!

Aug 14, 2013 21:42

I posted this to my journal and auntmo9 suggested I post it here too. :) This is fantastic work and gives a unique snap shot of our favourite show!

Original source can be found on tumblr here.

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Comments 23

amberdreams August 14 2013, 13:47:59 UTC
I love these, I just wish they were larger as some of them are quite detailed. I bloody hate tumblr. LOL


ash48 August 14 2013, 13:51:44 UTC
Yeah - isn't it a shame the formatting can't be larger. The restrictions on size are very frustrating (especially when trying to make gifs.../o\).

There's so much cool info here. Actually, I wonder if she's posted them elsewhere...


auntmo9 August 14 2013, 13:58:35 UTC
Every time I see this, I feel like I see something new. "Oh, look at the hugs!" "Oh, look at what Dean ate!" "Idjits" "Sam hookups"

So much....


ash48 August 14 2013, 14:13:46 UTC
Me too!! Each time I discover that there's a little bit of new information tucked away - like "propositions of self sacrifice". (I want to add "no of motels stayed in" and "how many times Dean sleeps nearest to the door").


auntmo9 August 14 2013, 14:31:41 UTC
Number of times Sam has been choked, actual number of times Sam uses a bitchface, number of times Cas tilts his head....

Number of times Dean repairs the Impala, the number times Sam drives the Impala, the number of times we get to see the Impala drive down the road....


ash48 August 14 2013, 22:58:35 UTC
ha! Yes yes...!!


vexed_wench August 14 2013, 14:05:42 UTC
These are great! Thanks so much for sharing them.


ash48 August 14 2013, 14:14:03 UTC
Pleasure :)


mrsr58 August 14 2013, 17:19:20 UTC
lol. love this fandom. (cas stares at dean 66 times - haha!)

thank you for sharing this!


ash48 August 16 2013, 05:05:16 UTC
Pleasure! Cas does a lot of staring...;)


chellexxx August 14 2013, 17:38:28 UTC
these are fascinating, who knew there were that many hugs?? thanks for sharing :)


ash48 August 16 2013, 05:05:48 UTC
I know! It's a hug fest! :)


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