Team YEK: More drabbles

Apr 06, 2013 00:44

Title: Dean Builds Furniture (Part 5)
Rating: PG
Author: mandraco
Disclaimer: This is fanfiction. I didn't invent these characters or settings. I just glued them together.
Genre: Gen
Wordcount: 5x100
Characters/Pairings: Dean, Sam
Spoilers: Up to 8x13.

Author's Note: Thanks to sameuspegasus, without whom I would never have written this many drabbles.

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rating: pg, march madness drabble fest, dean, sam, fic: gen, drabbles, author:mandraco, team yek

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Comments 4

sameuspegasus April 5 2013, 19:19:43 UTC
Poor Sammy. Things just weren't going right for him this round of drabbles :). I am impressed with your ingenuity in thinking up things that start with the right letters.


mandraco April 6 2013, 01:03:50 UTC
Well, torturing Sam is one of my favourite things. Lol.

I got stuck on Q for a really long time. Actually, I went ahead and finished the alphabet, except for Z. I went through all the Z words and seriously, the letter Z has never looked weirder to me. It really is a strangely angular backwards S.


cuddyclothes April 8 2013, 12:46:53 UTC
Ha! I grew up with a snooker table!!


mandraco April 8 2013, 12:58:13 UTC
Does that mean you're an awesome hustler?


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