Kitteh!Week Art Rec

Feb 18, 2013 22:11

I was looking for something completely different and still managed to stumble across these Hello Kitty style versions of Sam and Dean... I suspect the YEK is influencing the Internet more than we know.

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sam, dean, fanart, rec post

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Comments 5

amberdreams February 18 2013, 11:20:12 UTC
ha ha so cute!


lolaann1 February 18 2013, 13:27:10 UTC
Hello Kitty style Sam & Dean? *shakes head* My God the YEK's evil knows no bounds!


dizzojay February 18 2013, 13:29:29 UTC
Oh, their little 5 o'clock shadows!!!


auntmo9 February 18 2013, 13:47:59 UTC
Oh my goodness! This whole kitteh thing...YEK is trying to take over the world.He has his won agenda and everything :D


princess_schez February 18 2013, 21:17:10 UTC
Oh. My. God! That is adorable! xD


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