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Comments 38

mamapranayama November 10 2012, 15:10:35 UTC
Syndicated Sci-Fi Show by claudiapriscus: This is the best SPN/SG-1 crossover evah! It takes place during the SPN episode 'Changing Channels' and Sam and Dean get thrown into a popular show in the Sci-Fi channel, only this show is just a bit too real. This fic is full of everything I love: Stargate, SPN, humor, action, adventure -- it's just awesome!



amberdreams November 10 2012, 15:31:16 UTC
That's one I've saved too :D


lolaann1 November 10 2012, 15:38:17 UTC
Man I need to watch SG-1. The guys at work keep telling me to watch it and it's in my Netflix queue. Maybe if I'd quit watching Buffy and SPN over and over....


amberdreams November 10 2012, 15:22:31 UTC
Oh this is too hard!! There are so many....

But ok, given this comm is about the fun stuff, how about Old Country by astolat? There is something that never gets old about Dean Winchester trying to fit in at Hogwarts!!!



lolaann1 November 10 2012, 16:51:49 UTC
I loved HP, but SPN and HP seem sooo un-mixy. I might have to check this out. If this author can actually mix the two and keep everyone IC, then my hat is off to them.


amberdreams November 10 2012, 18:36:20 UTC
She does! HP himself barely features, it's all about Dean and Sam and minor HP characters and a unicorn and it's in equal parts hilarious and angsty (being a Season 3 fic)

Damn I forgot to say in the post that it is S/D - but only mildly (the fic isn't about the sex)


claudiapriscus November 11 2012, 01:03:34 UTC
It does a pretty good job, but there's a bout of sudden and explicit wincest in there too, IIRC. When I was a newbie in fandom, I was linked to it without warnings it was....a little bit of a shock. But it's pretty easy to skip over, I think. There's also a SPN/HP series by Hells-Half-Acre that's a lot of fun and that completely sold me on the idea of the crossover working when I was an extreme skeptic.


cuddyclothes November 10 2012, 15:46:50 UTC
I don't know where it is, but the fic about Dean and Castiel trying to build a chair from Ikea made me laugh so hard I almost choked. Also "The Art of Perfect Toast." I love anything about annoyed!Dean and NotAClue!Castiel.


My Fav fics goldenboat November 10 2012, 16:23:21 UTC
Hi ( ... )


Re: My Fav fics lolaann1 November 10 2012, 16:50:32 UTC
Yay thanks :) Gen fics are my preference and I haven't read any of these. ff.net gets a bad rap, but there are some awesome fics hidden over there. BUT it intimidates me when it comes to non-crossover spn fic. I go there to look for crossover fic, but there's SO MUCH in the non-crossover category that I find myself reading summaries for hours trying to decide what to read and not actually reading anything :P


licklesoxy November 10 2012, 16:23:39 UTC
I recommend this all the time, but I don't care.

Godstiel's Family Dinner Special by inmh. Makes me laugh every single time.

Basically, it's set in series 7, and Godstiel (or Cas-hyped-up-on-Purgatory-souls), decides to hold a dinner for pretty much every angel we've seen on the show up to that point.

Even if you don't like the angels, I recommend you check it out. So many hilarious bits in it :D


lolaann1 November 10 2012, 16:53:18 UTC
I've seen that one floating around, but never took the time to read it. The problem with lj is that things roll by so fast. That's why I started this post. I wanted to have the recs in one place. It was totally unselfish too ;)


licklesoxy November 10 2012, 19:12:24 UTC
You should go read it now. I command you :D

Haha, of course it was unselfish! :)


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