The Cat in the Hat, Sam/Dean, R, Crack

Feb 25, 2022 18:43

Title: The Cat in the Hat
Word count: ~5,330
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rated: R, I think, just to be on the safe side
Beta: fledge
About: Dean hates witches. This is what happens when they hate him back.
Notes: I was chatting to fledge last night, and for some reason this seemed like a good idea, even though I didn't have time, and I am supposed to be writing my big ( Read more... )

fic: slash, tenth birthday

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Comments 4

No, we haven't both been smoking catnip... fledge February 26 2022, 09:55:48 UTC
Bahahaha! This is utterly hilarious and delightful. Poor Moe! (And especially Larry and Curly..!) And poor Rowena, getting Dean butt on her face. Although I'm not sure whether that could be a good thing... At least he'd put pants on. Dean makes an excellent cat, and the behaviour really seems to suit him. I especially like how he kept that air of dangerousness - more like a panther than a housecat! I'm not surprised Sam was bending over to keep him happy. Those claws...

Of course you know the pizza boy is just going to go right back into Lebanon to spread the gossip. That town must thrive on the exploits of those weird guys up at the abandoned power plant. There are probably a bunch of monsters who know exactly what they're up to just by following Lebanon's Facebook page!

I should make a 'wicked enabler' icon, shouldn't I... it's been years since I did them though, I've probably forgotten how! I think Rowena ought to be the subject. You can't stop talking to me, Egg would be sad! He'd miss his godmother ;)


Re: No, we haven't both been smoking catnip... candygramme February 26 2022, 19:18:47 UTC
Sam spends a lot of time bending over to keep Dean happy. It's the Winchester way.

Also, I would very happy to have Dean's butt on my face. I don't know what's wrong with Rowena! Embrace the butt, girl. It's a one of a kind!

The jury is out on Moe. Did Dean get him before he was cured? Maybe there should be a fic...


theymp March 6 2022, 22:28:11 UTC
LOL - that was hilarious. They're never getting pizza delivered again. And getting batted by 180lbs of saber-clawed tomcat? Yeesh! Sam's a braver man than me!


candygramme March 7 2022, 06:30:16 UTC
Sam has LOVE on his side and wouldn't quail at the thought of having to overcome an amorous Deancat.

I've always kind of snickered when people talk about Dean's cat-like grace and so on. Glad this made you laugh. Thank you.


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