Fun and Sunshine challenge - The Great Outdoors

Jul 12, 2020 12:43


Rating: K+
Genre: Humour
Characters: Sam, Dean, Castiel, Jack
Spoilers/Warnings: None
Word Count: 400
Disclaimer: I don't own them

“Dean, what is the purpose of a cookout?” Castiel asked as he watched Dean load the barbecue with charcoal.

Dean grinned, “there ain’t a purpose to it Cas,” he replied.  “That’s the beauty of it ( Read more... )

jack, sam, author:dizzojay, castiel, dean, fun and sunshine challenge

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Comments 2

fanspired July 13 2020, 07:37:10 UTC
Well, at least he didn't bust out crying, I guess. :D (Love me some bunnylover!Dean ♥)


jj1564 July 14 2020, 10:41:20 UTC
I love how tough guy hunter Dean is just a big wuss when it comes to hunting animals! And I love Jack's fascination listening to his speech.


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