DEW Drabble - The Joys of Spring

May 09, 2020 16:14

Title: The Joys of Spring
Characters: Jack and Castiel
Word Count: 100
Rating: pg
Summary: Jack really likes all that springtime brings.
Prompt: the DEW challenge on spn_bigpretzel: Character: Jack; Theme: Springtime

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jack, drabble, fic: gen, dew, rating: pg, castiel, author:jj1564

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Comments 4

fanspired May 10 2020, 02:50:37 UTC
Definitely! :D


jj1564 May 10 2020, 11:58:21 UTC
He's such a bad influence! 😊


dizzojay May 11 2020, 20:10:43 UTC
Heehee, good old Dean - he's the best bad influence in the world!


jj1564 May 12 2020, 10:21:49 UTC
Oh yes, that's a good description of him!


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