Team Trick: 3 drabbles + 4 edits

Oct 31, 2019 22:52

This set has 1 drabble and 1 edit that may be darker themed than I should have made them, but it's Halloween and my horror loving heart had to go there.

Title: Campfire Tales Winchester Style
Characters: Dean and Sam and Dean
Rating: G

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rating: pg, castiel, art: gen, dean, weechesters, halloween team drabble challenge, charlie, sam, rating: g, drabbles, gabriel, john, fanart

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Comments 5

supernutjapan November 1 2019, 10:57:36 UTC
Loved Seeking and Bert and Ernie 😂


tiggeratl1 November 1 2019, 13:35:20 UTC
Thanks so much. Those are two of my favorites too. I appreciate you taking the time to check these out and leave a comment. 💞


ellerkay November 1 2019, 17:36:03 UTC
These are great!! I especially love Bert and Ernie (I can so see Cas and Dean having that exact exchange!) and the Gilmore Girls one cracked me up. XD


tiggeratl1 November 1 2019, 20:33:03 UTC
Thanks so much. I can hear the Bert and Ernie conversation happening between Dean and Cas too. 😅 And I totally couldn't resist making the Gilmore Girls horror story. I can imagine that Dean snuck back to take that Star's Hollow tour in Hollywood Babylon. 🤣


kattrip033 November 29 2019, 04:54:38 UTC
These are awesome. Campfire Tales and Don't Mess with the Candy really cracked me up.


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