Team Trick: 3 drabbles + 4 edits

Oct 31, 2019 16:16

This set has 1 drabble and 1 edit that may be darker themed than I should have made them, but it's Halloween and my horror loving heart had to go there.

Title: Little Brother
Characters: Sam and Dean
Rating: G

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jody, art: gen, crowley, dean, halloween team drabble challenge, sam, fic: gen, drabbles, rowena, fanart

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Comments 6

jj1564 November 1 2019, 01:34:13 UTC
These are all fantastic, I love 'little brother' Sam, Rowena's potion and Dean being cursed with period pain, but my favourite - possibly from this whole challenge! - ot Sa, and Dean running away from the Monty Python rabbit, hee hee hee! Thank you!


tiggeratl1 November 1 2019, 20:20:53 UTC
Thank you so much!

I had so much fun making wee Sam and imagining Dean's glee about being the 'big' brother again.

I loved the dynamic between mother and son Crowley and Rowena had and could just imagine her trying everything she could think of to break the bond he had with those pesky hunters.

My twisted sense of humor kicked in after rewatchiing the MM episode several times. I could imagine Dean demanding double bacon cheeseburgers and lots of pie to couneract his cramps. 🤣

And I just couldn't resist Monty Python's killer bunny chasing our larping boys.

Your comments made my day!


jj1564 November 3 2019, 11:22:16 UTC
You're so welcome, and thanks for making me chuckle again with this - ". I could imagine Dean demanding double bacon cheeseburgers and lots of pie to counteract his cramps. 🤣"


supernutjapan November 1 2019, 11:05:57 UTC


tiggeratl1 November 1 2019, 20:22:34 UTC
Thanks so much. I appreciate you taking the time to check these out and comment. ☺


kattrip033 November 29 2019, 04:34:23 UTC
These are great!


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