Team Trick: 2 drabbles + 2 edits

Oct 26, 2019 01:53

Title: Tricky Treaters
Characters: Dean,
Jody and Sam (mentioned)
Rating: G
Word count: 100

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rating: pg, castiel, art: gen, crowley, dean, halloween team drabble challenge, sam, fic: gen, drabbles, fanart

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Comments 5

ellerkay October 26 2019, 15:19:59 UTC
These are all just delightful!! I loved the line "that's how he finds himself passing out perfectly good candy to little beggars dressed like things he hunts" - what perfect Dean!voice! And the kids dressed as him and Sam are a brilliant idea.

I loved Dean chasing down the guy who took his candy - what a great concept! He should have known better than to get between Dean and his candy.

Poor Sam - the reboot of It must be terrible for him. Of course Dean would take advantage and get Cas to unknowingly prank him. XD You have such wonderful ideas in here! I love them.

The second art is beautifully done. SO creepy! Great work.


tiggeratl1 October 26 2019, 17:30:56 UTC
Wow, I just got back from going to lunch, and here's this fantastic comment waiting for me. Thank you so much for all the wonderful feedback. It makes me all tingly inside. 💞 I'm so glad to hear that I was able to capture Dean's voice. I alway worry about that. Yeah, we just know Sam was soooo excited to hear about the It reboot. I can imagine Dean dragging them all to see it. Jack and Sam being scared, and Cas wanting to know why the crazy alien is dressed up like a clown. 😈 I'm so happy you loved both edits. I was a little iffy about posting the second one. It's a little darker than the other two I made, but I had so much fun dressing all the boys up for Halloween.


jj1564 October 26 2019, 22:32:53 UTC
These are all brilliant, I love the little Dean and Sam, and Dean getting Cas to dress as Pennywise is so naughty! Most of all I love Dean chasing after his stolen candy, that's a great edit!


tiggeratl1 October 27 2019, 15:59:41 UTC
Wow! Thanks so much for the wonderful comment! 😊 It makes my day brighter. 💞


dizzojay October 28 2019, 20:41:22 UTC
I love all of these - especially the little Sam and Dean trick or treaters - Sam would be very pissed that he's the girl! And Cas as Pennywise - Poor Sam; Dean's such a sod!!

Great edits too - both different, but brilliant - well done :)


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