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Comments 10

jj1564 March 17 2019, 22:53:17 UTC
Aw, this is just lovely and exactly how Bobby would be in this circumstance. I loved this as so often kids with aspergers and autism are mollycoddled, which does them no favors - "Dean was never coddled when he was at Bobby's, but his differing needs were always provided for. Sammy learned from Bobby's wisdom, not John's angry grief, how to help Dean thrive."


jennytork March 18 2019, 14:12:44 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm 100% convinced I'm as neurotypical-seeming as I am -- I just appear a bit eccentric -- is entirely because I had parents who had no idea what Asperger's is (I was diagnosed at 38) but who didn't coddle me. They gave me time and space when I needed it but they worked with me and taught me how to blend in.

I can see Bobby doing that for Dean, using his interests as springboards for teaching moments.


jj1564 March 18 2019, 22:38:58 UTC
I didn't realise you'd been diagnosed later in life; this also happened to a friend of mine and she said it was a relief to know why she had always struggled so much to fit in and with social situations. I'm pleased your parents gave you the support and space you needed as you were growing up.


kiramaru7 March 17 2019, 23:58:51 UTC
Awe... Beautifully done!


jennytork March 18 2019, 14:13:16 UTC
Thank you so much!!


kiramaru7 March 19 2019, 22:59:52 UTC
You're welcoem! :D


jdl71 March 18 2019, 00:30:04 UTC
Oh, interesting!


jennytork March 18 2019, 14:13:39 UTC
Thank you so much!


julchen11 March 18 2019, 11:18:32 UTC
Wonderfully done, my dear.


jennytork March 18 2019, 14:13:57 UTC
Thank you so much!!!


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