Sep 11, 2010 19:49
Genres you will beta: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Action, Humor, Drama, Crossover, Fluff, Slash, Gen, Het, Threesome, Deathfic, PWP, Smut, AU
Genres you won't beta: Wincest, Daddy-cest, Mpreg, BDSM, RPS
Pairings you will beta (within your specified genres): Sam/Castiel is my preferred pairing but I'll beta for just about anything.
Pairings you won't beta (within your specified genres): Dean/Castiel, Sam/Gabriel
Gen or Character studies you'd beta: All
Gen or Character studies you won't beta: None
Beta strengths: Grammar, plot, flow, canon, characterization, Castiel-voice, Sam-voice, basic occult knowledge
Beta Weaknesses: Spelling
Length of the fics you'd beta: Any length
Any other info: I work the over night shift and usually have a couple hours of down time every night, which is when I'd be doing most of my beta work. Still, I like to be thorough, so it might take a little time for me to get your fic back to you, I'll say averaging between 3 days to a week depending on the length. Of course if you need a quick beta job done (as in you're working on a deadline), just let me know and I'll add it to the top of my list.
If you're interested, just drop me a PM with your fic info and I'll get back to you as quick as I can.
!beta offer