Title: Fire of Fire Subject: Anna Milton Notes: Fanmix includes front and back cover, eight individually uploaded songs, and a .zip file of all the songs together. Enjoy! :)
Title: Good Girl Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Anna/Ruby Rating: 18/NC-17 Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or any characters featured in this not-for-profit fic. Summary: A piece originally written for kink bingo 2011. Prompts: animal play, masters doms slaves & subs, nippleplay/tit torture, sex toys (worn under clothing. Warnings: explicit f/f
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Title: Bat Out Of Hell Fandom: Supernatural Pairing: Anna/Ruby Rating: 18/NC-17 Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or any characters featured in this not-for-profit fic. Summary: A piece originally written for femslash_land's mini-phase. Challange was a fic based on a song. Warnings: explicit f/f sexytimes
Title: Anna Artist: xenoamorist Characters/Pairings: Anna; gen Rating: G Notes: Just a simple head shot. First attempt at a new technique: drawing a grayscale version and then going over it with watercolor.