30 NaNo-Shots Rules & Info [Updated for 2010]

Oct 13, 2009 15:42

30 NaNo-Shots

Are you participating in NaNoWriMo or mini_nanowrimo? Plan to work on Supernatural FPF or RPF for either challenge? Think you could use some prompts to help meet your word count each day?

If so, consider participating in 30 NaNo-Shots, spn_30snapshots's very own NaNo and mini-NaNo-friendly prompt table challenge.

We're here to help you get writing and stay writing over the month of November!

30 NaNo-Shots is its own separate challenge here at spn_30snapshots. As a participant you will be given a NEW for 2010 special theme table with 30 prompts to choose from over the course of 30 days in November.

Yep, 30 prompts, 30 days! As a participant you will be asked to write something every day (between 100 and 2,000 words) inspired by a prompt from our 30 NaNo-Shots theme table. These ficlets must be posted daily to the community to "win" at the end. Ideally these will be ficlets that are part of your NaNoWriMo or mini_nanowrimo writing challenges.

Can you run that by me again?

It's simple really! You will be given a new general theme table available only to 30 NaNo-Shots challenge participants.

As a participant you take on the challenge of writing between 100 and 2,000 words of fiction every day during the month of November (November 1 to November 30). As with our larger challenge, you don't necessarily have to create a “complete” story with the ficlet you write every day. You can submit a single scene or chapter, vignettes, snippets, drabbles, and other pieces of writing from your on-going NaNoWriMo novel or mini_nanowrimo writing project.

Rules of the Road

01. Join the Community.

02. View the 30 NaNo-Shots theme table.

03. Decide on a Claim. Choose a character - minor, major, or original - a pairing, a group of characters or general series, from either the Supernatural FPF or Supernatural/CW RPF canon/fanon that you will center your November writing series on. We welcome het, slash, and general series fiction.

04. Sign-up. When you have decided on your character(s)/pairing, click here to officially sign-up for the challenge. You have between today (October 05, 2010) and October 30, 2010 to sign up.

05. Write! Every day during the month of November write between 100-2000 words based on one of 30 different prompts in your table.

06. Post. Beginning November 1, 2010, when you’ve completed a prompt, post the story; if you post at the community, place the story under an LJ-cut. Also remember as you complete your piece of writing make each prompt in your table links to the post with the corresponding fic. When posting to the comm, you can choose to post a header with a link back to where the work is posted in your own journal if you rather not post the work directly to the community itself.

Just to repeat, you must post minimally 100 words of fiction per day either directly here at the community or in a post linking to the writing that meets your word count by the end of the day. All of your mods are operating on Eastern Standard Time (so that means you should aim to have your daily post made no later than 11:59 PM EST each day).

When you post your ficlet, please follow the rules outlined on our general info page. The only addition to the rules for this specific challenge is that you should include in the subject line of your post the word "[NaNo]" and also tag your post with "theme: nanowrimo." Also, the word count has been increased to 2,000 words max to accommodate writers participating in original recipe nanowrimo

07. Win! Once you've completed your entire prompt table at the end of the month, please leave a comment in our 30 NaNo-Shots Hall of Fame with a link to your finished table. Winners will get a nifty banner announcing that they've completed the 30 NaNo-Shots 2010 Challenge here at spn_30snapshots.

08. NEW FOR 2010! We are allowing two no post days this year. If you're traveling or just can't post in time, you get TWO PASSES. However, YOU MUST MAKE THOSE UP. If you take a pass, you must make up that fic before the challenge ends on 30 November. In other words on 11/30 you need all 30 fics posted.

Questions? Leave them in a comment below!

!challenge: 30 nano-shots 2010, !challenge: 30 nano-shots 2009, !community: 30 nano-shots rules & info

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