[Nano] From Sad To Happy 1/1

Nov 24, 2010 23:19

Title: From sad to happy
Author missnegreenwood aka sagaluthien
Character(s)/Pairing: Sam Winchester, John Winchester, Dean Winchester
Theme: Theme Nanowrimo - table: nanowrimo
Prompt(s): # 21 Order
Rating & Warning: NC-17, Au, teenchesters
Disclaimer: Everything is totally invented and I do not know or own the original characters from Supernatural. I have not written it for earn any money.
Author's Notes: Something new I wanted to test, of an idea that I have had for sometime.

Summary: Sam is angry that he is looked on as what he things as a baby, just because he only have one hand and can't do everything.

"Are you ready to order?" the waitress asked turned to John.

"My boys will have a cheeseburger each, and I take a steak, please." John answered.

"What do you want to drink to it?" She asked next.

"A coke." Dean said.

"I want a cola too."

"No Sammy you have to drink some milk." John paused and then continues, "One milk, one cola and a beer for me thanks."

After a moment the waitress came with their drinks and soon there after their food. Before John started on his steak, he took Sam's plate and started to cut his cheeseburger.

"Dad I can do that myself." His youngest complained.

"We haven't time for waiting you doing that."

Sammy sulked. He hated when either John or Dean took things to help him. Sure at times he knew he had problems, especially if you needed two working hands which seemed to you needed a lot. Sam wondered for how long he would suffer from having screwed up and end up with one hand short.

All he could do was to eat in silence. It was weeks since the accident had happened and the stump had healed well. Sam would have wanted to get a fake hand - prosthesis, instead of held it in his pocket for hiding that he hadn't none. With John in a bad mood, which he seemed to still be in he didn't dare to ask for if he could get one.

He thought he had quite good motivation to why, and one was that with at least an artificial hand he could have some hold, resistance when working. He was just to coward to bring it up, or maybe scared he had to show himself that he could managed what one with two could.

When they had finished the dinner they were soon out on the road again. Sam sat in the backseat, reading a book not paying attention to either what Dean and John was talking about or where they were headed. He only looked up when the car stopped. Not recognize the place he get back to the book.

"Sammy put down the book and come with me." John said to him as he had opened the door.

"What are we doing here?" Sam asked as he stepped out.

"We shall talk to a friend of mine and see if he can help you with your problem."

Sam looked up at his father with big eyes, not sure what he meant. Was his problem that he was seen as a troubled kid or was it for the one that was obvious? Instead of saying anything he nodded and followed John.

Inside the house Sam got his answer. The friend seemed to be specialist on making prosthesis. Not only the plain one, they seemed to have special use. The day might not be that bad at all. After that the friend had made some measurements and a cast of Sam's arm stump, Sam actually hugged John and he could not wait until they would come back for his new hand.

claim: sam winchester, !challenge: 30 nano-shots 2010, table: nanowrimo, type: fiction, author: missnegreenwood

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