Title: Seeing the reality
missnegreenwood aka
sagaluthienCharacter(s)/Pairing: Sam Winchester,
Theme Nanowrimo - table: nanowrimo Prompt(s): # 9 Excuse
Rating & Warning: NC-17, cubby!Sam
Disclaimer: Everything is totally invented and I do not know or own the original characters from Supernatural. I have not written it for earn any money.
Author's Notes: a total snap-shot and the risk is it does not make sense
Summary: Sam does not live the life as a hunter, because he does have other plans
"How the hell did this happened?" Sam said as he looked on the numbers the scale showed him.
He had sneaked in at the nurse office, curious of how much he might weight. For a long time he had known he was heavier than an average teen and most called him chubby. He had hoped to lose the 'baby fat' when he finally get into the puberty, but the scale really showed the opposite.
His clothes had not been enough for either height or wide. He had noticed they been short in arms and legs, and very tight fitting over all. A few had burst in the seams. John had complained when he had needed to buy new clothes to him.
Seeing the numbers on the scale told him in black and white he had added a lot of pounds too. He knew he ate a lot. The last years had been so that he ate more and more, but he could not believe that since he last weight had gained 151 pounds.
"151 pounds!"
Sam was happy that no one was there seeing or hearing him. He stepped down from the scale and sat down on the closest chair. He felt depressed that he really had let it go so out of hand, but… he stopped to think, when that only would push him further down.
He was lucky to make his way out from the nurse's office without anyone detects him. It was not an easy task for him because of his large body. He always heard he wasn't good at sneak up on any or try to hide. All he could do was his best, which would be how he continued.
Sam could not help that he loved food, snacks. It was one of the few things he felt he could have from their constant moving life and lack of people seemed to like him. There was only one that truly loved him and that was Dean. But was only a brother? He so preferred the food and as it was he was spared from hunting. That were something he didn't want to do.
After his little chock Sam found himself in seven-eleven. He had a craving for some chocolate, milkshake and a sandwich. All was eaten when he reached their home.