Like a boss: Crowley recs

May 24, 2011 21:46

Crowley is one of those awesome characters that bursts onto a show and pwns very scene. I think the writers must fight each other for the chance to pen his deliciously snarky quips but Crowley is more than just a collection of one liners. He has a fascinating backstory, and combines charm with sadism and a taste for the finer things Earth can offer. And importantly, our first recurring queer character.

Just as Mark Sheppard is the little back dress of genre TV, Crowley seems to pair well with a range of characters. Ironically it bought Crowleys kiss-sealed deal with Bobby to actually lead to Bobby getting more action in fic than he had in the previous 5 years!

Under the cut are some Crowley recs covering a range of genres and pairings. I'd love to know any more that you love. And icon recs too - I need a Crowley icon ;D

To a new world of gods and monsters by joyyjpg
Prescient much? This reads like a coda to the finale, although it was written before then. Crowley muses on his relationship with Castiel. Some wonderful mythology here.

I’m your villian by fleshflutter
When Crowley moves in with Dean, it’s a slippery slope from making a deal to get the dishes down - sealed with a kiss of course - to much more. Simultaneously amusing and disturbing.

Faces Without Names by thekayla
A ficlet really, but I like it for the glimpse into Crowley’s back story.

Carpooling by alchemyalice
Sam, Dean, Castiel and Crowley on a road trip. It’s enough to make you take the bus. Hilarious!

But that’s a part of Life by skullage
While this fic is about Dean pining for Cas, there’s a wonderful appearance by Crowley, and some great snarky Lisa too.

How Bobby Got His Soul Back, Demons Don't Do Pillowtalk
And Touch Not The Houseplant by psycocatgirl
These three fics have the most delightful story of Crowley and Bobby. On one level these tales are crack, but also actually works for the characters too.

... And All the World's a Stage by thinkatory Supernatural/Good Omens
With the appearance of Crowley in Supernatural, there have been a number of fics that make the "Good Omens" Crowley and the "Supernatural" Crowley the same character. This wonderful story shows us how Crowley may have moved from the events and world of "Good Omens" to where we find him in Season 5 Supernatural.
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