Queen of Heaven

Nov 16, 2011 01:40

Art Prompt Title: untitled
Art link: Art Masterlist
Prompt Number: 1025
Artist: craww

Fic Title: Queen of Heaven
Author: xpnkitty
Fandom/Genre: SPN, smut
Pairings: Castiel/Meg, unrequited Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,036
Warnings: sex, cursing, implied Wincest

Summary: Just because the apocalypse was a flop doesn’t mean that the war’s over, and just because Lucifer’s gone doesn’t mean that all is lost. There’s a new god rising up the ranks; Meg knows a good thing when she sees it - And how to get it. (Set before Season Six.)

pairing: het, challenge: 2011, word count: 3000 - 4000, medium: digital manip, genre: spn, pairing: rare, rating: nc17

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