SPN Reverse Bang 2021 - Ad Astra

Dec 02, 2021 01:03

Art Title: SPACE
Prompt Number: R1006
Artist: aomasade [AomaSade on AO3]

Fic Title: Ad Astra
Author: casey679 [Casey679 on AO3]
Fandom/Genre: SPN/RPS, AU, Sci-Fi, Romance
Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~20,000
Warnings: None

Summary: Random bar fights in backwater spaceports are supposed to lead to fines, reprimands, bloody noses, and maybe the occasional overnight stay in a drunk tank. You know what they aren't supposed to lead to? Forgotten civilizations, political intrigue, assassination attempts, declarations of war and getting abducted by strangely hot aliens who think you're their long-lost fiance. Not for the first time, Jensen wishes that maybe he'd just stayed home.

Art Links: LJ | AO3
Fic Links: LJ | AO3

pairing: jared/jensen, rating: pg13, word count: 20000 - 40000, challenge: 2021, medium: digital manip, genre: rpf

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