Cloaked in Shadows and Secrecy

Nov 30, 2021 20:27

Art Title: Untitled
Prompt Number: R1016
Artist: bluefire986

Fic Title: Cloaked in Shadows and Secrecy
Author: backrose_17
Fandom/Genre: RPS, Romance, Superheroes
Pairing(s): J2 and JDM/Chad
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 5,112
Warnings: Off screen character death and rebirth and dark JDM(Batman)
Summary: Batman used to be a symbol of protection but when he lost Jensen he lost his way now Nightwing and Red Hood need to work together to stop their mentor Jeff from losing himself completely to the darkness and figure out where their complicated relationship stands, one that has been full of lust, love and tragedy.

Art Link(s): LJ | AO3
Fic Link: AO3

pairing: jared/jensen, word count: 4000 - 6000, challenge: 2021, medium: digital manip, rating: r, genre: rpf

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