Picture of You

Nov 23, 2021 20:19

Art Title: Picture of You

Prompt Number: R1000

Artist: dwimpala21

Fic Title: Picture of You

Author: tammyrenh

Fandom/Genre: SPN RPF

Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles

Rating: Explicit

Word Count: 9925

Warnings: None

Summary: Jared is the bastard son of the King, Jensen is the celebrated artist sent to paint his portrait. To Jensen’s shock and dismay, Jared invites himself to Jensen’s cottage for the summer. Jensen likes peace and quiet and walking up at decent hours. Jared likes to talk - a lot - and likes waking Jensen up at ungodly hours to look at sunrises. They come from two different worlds. They have nothing in common. And at the end of the summer, they will have to go back to their separate lives. It makes no sense for them to fall in love. So, of course, they do.

Link to Story: Archive of Our Own

Link to Artpost: AO3, LJ

pairing: jared/jensen, word count: 8000 - 10000, challenge: 2021, medium: digital manip, genre: rpf

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