All Coiled Down (So Long)

Nov 22, 2021 19:19

Art Title: Lighthouse
Prompt Number: E001
Artist: amberdreams

Fic Title: All Coiled Up (So Long)
Author: zubeneschamali
Fandom/Genre: RPS
Pairing(s): J2
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 13,270
Warnings: none
Summary: Jared is a New England sailor who wakes up after a shipwreck to find he's no longer where he was. Or rather, he's no longer when he was. Two hundred years in the future, he's lost and alone, except for the kindly historian Jensen who took him in after his landing on the shore. Jared desperately wants to get home, but even if he can figure out how, wouldn't it be better for him to stay?

Art Link(s): LJ | AO3
Fic Link(s): LJ | AO3

medium: paint, medium: drawing, pairing: jared/jensen, rating: pg13, challenge: 2021, word count: 10000 - 15000, genre: rpf

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