ART previews - SPN

Sep 20, 2018 08:55

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ART previews - SPN

Title: His True Face
Rating of Art: R
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: Would prefer Sam/Dean
Characters: Samifer (Sam being worn by Lucifer) is in the artwork. I would like Dean included in the story, apart from that anyone else is fair game.
Warnings: No real warnings apart from the image of Lucifer's true face.
Short description of art: The monster that hid behind Sam's true face, Lucifer, still haunts both Winchesters. What is it Dean sees when he looks at his brother? What is it Sam sees when he looks in the mirror?
Do Not Wants: Scat, underage, major permanent character death, non-con, scat, water-sports, destiel. (Dub-Con may be unavoidable with this piece of artwork/story due to the subject matter)
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes.

Title: How Far Would You Go?
Rating of Art: PG-13
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: Would prefer Sam/Dean
Characters: Sam, Dean, and Dean being worn by Michael are in the artwork. I would like Dean included in the story, apart from that anyone else is fair game.
Warnings: Spoilers for the end of season 13.
Short description of art: Michael now owns Dean's body, his memories, his fears and his dreams, but he doesn't own Dean's soul. How far would you go to save it?
Do Not Wants: Scat, underage, major permanent character death, non-con, scat, water-sports, destiel (Dub-Con may be unavoidable with this piece of artwork/story due to the subject matter)
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: This Is It, The Apocalypse
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: light R
Pairing or Gen: gen, or any het and/or canon pair
Characters: Dean, Jo, Bela, Mary. (Can include basically anyone, as long as Bela or Jo are mostly the focus. Preferably no Crowley, Lucifer, Dick Roman, Metatron - unless used sparingly/as the villain).
Warnings: none
Short description of art: Mary and Dean discover there are more alive familiar faces in the apocalypse world.
Do Not Wants: incest, extreme violence, rape/noncon, torture scenes, Cole Trenton.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Likely not because of my schedule, but talk to me when the time comes, because I would love to squeeze something in if I can if you want!

Title: Water
Rating of Art: PG
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: light R
Pairing or Gen: gen
Characters: Dean. (Can totally include basically anyone, as long as Dean is heavily the focus. Preferably no Crowley, Lucifer, Dick Roman, Metatron, Cole, Ketch - unless used sparingly/as the villain).
Warnings: drowning
Short description of art: Dean is drowning... (but physically or emotionally or mentally or something else entirely?)
Do Not Wants: incest, extreme violence, rape/noncon, torture scenes, Cole Trenton.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Likely not because of my schedule, but talk to me when the time comes, because I would love to squeeze something in if I can if you want!

Title: Hey Sammy
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC17
Pairing or Gen: Sam / Dean
Characters: Dean, Sam Winchester
Warnings: -
Short description of art: Dean has been temporarily changed to female and he is loving it. Sam not so much.
Do Not Wants: -
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: NO

Title: Summer Night
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: E
Pairing or Gen: could be Gen or Sam/Dean
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester
Warnings: N/A
Short description of art: What's better than ice cream on a summer night?
Do Not Wants: Rape/Non-Con, underage,
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: yes!!!!

Title: Of Witches and Fraternities
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: E
Pairing or Gen: preferably gen, but open to Wincest
Characters: Sam and Dean. Any characters that would make sense in pre-series are great!
Warnings: none
Short description of art: Sam's essay writing time has been rudely interrupted by his big brother that's been cursed to shrink to be Thumbelina-sized.
Do Not Wants: ABO, weak characters, PWP
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: A tentative yes.

Title: Shattered Soul
Rating of Art: General
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: No preference
Characters: Sam is depicted in the art; I'd like at least Dean in the story.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: After spending time in the cage with Lucifer, Sam comes back broken. His soul is shattered and he’s an image of his self. He has to find a way to piece himself back together. The question is, can he do that and still be the brother and man he once was?
Do Not Wants: I'm open to anything the author comes up with.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: Arabian Nights
Rating of Art: General Audience
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Mature/Explicit
Pairing or Gen: can be Gen, but Destiel preferred
Characters: Dean and Cas are the only ones to be seen in the pic, but I don’t mind any other character being added
Warnings: no warnings necessary for the picture
Short description of art: alongside Dean and Cas, there are oriental elements: we have a roaring tiger and a magic lamp, a masked (mysterious) man and a palace (the Taj Mahal) on one side. On the other side, we have a man holding a shiny dagger, another palace (it’s actually a mosque: the Sokollu Mehmed Pasha), a camel caravan across the desert and a beautiful black horse.
Do Not Wants: MCD, Rape, Cheating (either between Dean/Cas or them together on another partner), Incest of any kind, Underage (I would be fine with it if the younger one is at least 16). If Destiel is in it, it should be endgame!
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: yes :)

Title: Magical
Rating of Art: General Audience
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Mature/Explicit
Pairing or Gen: can be Gen, but Destiel preferred
Characters: Dean and Cas are the only ones to be seen in the pic, but I don’t mind any other character being added
Warnings: no warnings necessary for the picture
Short description of art: alongside Dean and Cas, there are some elements from a magical world: There are a mysterious castle and a snowy owl, two colliding curses, a blue amulet with a snake on it, and a golden trinket. There are also some old books and green/white roses.
Do Not Wants: MCD, Rape, Cheating (either between Dean/Cas or them together on another partner), Incest of any kind, Underage (I would be fine with it if the younger one is at least 16). If Destiel is in it, it should be endgame!
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: yes :)

Title: Sold! To the Highest Bidder
Rating of Art: NSFW NC-17
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: Destiel
Characters: Dean and Castiel
Warnings: Public nudity, forced exposure, implied non-consensual voyeurism
Short description of art: Castiel kneels center stage, naked and held on a chain. He's being auctioned off, as made clear by Dean in the foreground holding a sheet of paper with AUCTION written on it. (The people on stage resemble Meg and Crowley, so this can be an AU if you want. A/B/O is also okay.)
Do Not Wants: MCD, scat, beastiality, pedophilia
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: YES

Title: The Art of Being Lonely
Rating of Art: PG
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Castiel
Characters: Dean and Castiel
Warnings: none
Short description of art: Castiel finds out how un-needed and alone he is. Dean secretly feels the same way. Should they go back to they way they were before and risk getting hurt, or stay alone forever? Complete canon divergence, if you wish.
Do Not Wants: hardcore D/s, watersports, scat, A/B/O, extreme fetish.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: YES

Title: What It Takes To Be the Hottest Shaft In PGA
Rating of Art: General audience
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Gen or Destiel
Characters: Dean and Cas and whoever the author would like to include
Warnings: N/A
Short description of art: The piece shows Dean teeing off with Cas watching. (I know nothing about golf, but honest to Chuck, the title of the piece is an actual title of an online golfing article and is the reason for drawing this piece)
Do Not Want: MCD
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: Untitled_1
Rating of Art: NC-17
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Sam
Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Jack, any other spn characters up to writer.
Warnings: hurt!Sam, a/b/o, mpreg, m/m sex.
Short description of art: Post s13 AU: Alpha!Sam is kidnapped and turned into an omega. Dean rescues him, but it's not the end of problems...can go anywhere you want with this (the more dark and kinky the better). I only ask for dominant top!Dean and ending where brothers will be happy together, plus I'd like only or mostly Sam!pov.
Do Not Wants: bottom!Dean (even mentioned), hurt!Dean, miscarriage/abortion, fragile/weak!boys, fic without penetrative and explicit!sex, death!fic.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes, if time permitting.

Title: Je t'aimerai toujours
Rating of Art: PG
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: R
Pairing or Gen: Castiel/Meg, past pairing Marie de Lordat/Ange-Jacques Gabriel
Characters: Meg as Marie de Lordat and Castiel as Ange-Jacques Gabriel
Warnings: character death (past)
Short description of art: Marie de Lordat is a ghost that stays after her death in Château de Gudanes. Until one day she sees Ange-Jacques Gabriel the man she used to love.
Do Not Wants: underage and scat
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: Glow
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: I'd prefer gen, but pairing would be okay.
Characters: Cas for sure, anyone else is fine.
Warnings: None
Short Description of Art: A stern and celestial Castiel points at you, holding something glowing in his other hand, or maybe it's his hand that's glowing.
Do Not Wants: Please, no Wincest, or any incest, rape, non-con, graphic violence, or underage.
Artist is willing to make more pieces that go with the story: I will try! I may also be able to make a little gif out of this piece so it glows.

Title: Oh, Sister
Rating of Art: PG13
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: R
Pairing or Gen: Gen, or Sam/Dean
Characters: Sam and Dean (Dee/ Deana?) are in the art. I don't mind other characters in the fic, but I'd like the focus to be on them.
Warnings: -
Short description of art: Dean as a girl. Either always-a-girl Dean, or hit by a spell Dean, I'll leave that up to the author. Dean is not a small woman, but just as tall as 'normal' Dean. Tall, strong and capable. But also making Sam worry all the time. In the art we see Sam carrying a wounded Dean. What happened this time?
Do Not Wants: Unhappy endings, death fic, asshole/unkind!Dean, Sam or Dean dating anyone else but each other.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes.

Title: Faith Hope Love
Rating of Art: General audience
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Gen or Destiel
Characters: Sam, Dean and Cas + whichever characters the author wants to include
Warnings: N/A
Short description of art: Fantasy/Sci fi AU showing Cas, Sam and Dean
Do Not Want: MCD
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: Intrusus
Rating of Art: General Audiences
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Destiel
Characters: Dean and Castiel
Warnings: None
Short description of art: We see the surface of Mars. An astronaut (Dean) is standing right in front of us, looking slightly troubled. In the reflection of his visor, a human figure (Castiel) stands, without any protective suit and casual wear.
Do Not Wants: (omegaverse, BDSM, scat, slavery)
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: YES

Title: Equals
Rating of Art: T
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: Sadreel (Sam/Gadreel)
Characters: Gadreel and Sam, should be in the story, of course. Dean and Cas are fine too, no need to exclude them if the author wants to add them.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Even in this day and age it was still unheard of that omegas would dare biting their alpha in a mutual claim. It just wasn't done. Alphas did the claiming, not the other way around. That fact was just something everyone had to live with, if they liked it or not. Of course, it came as a very nice surprise that angel didn't seem to care about old and stupid traditions and welcomed mutual claiming bites...
Do Not Wants: Rape and character death are a no go. If possible no sad ends, please? No fan of complete AUs (like coffee shop, high school, all just human, etc.) too, but it's not like I'll order anyone around, so that's up to the author.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: No

Title: So Beautiful when he Sleeps Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: M
Pairing or Gen: I am happy for Destiel pairing or Gen
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, feel free to include Sam in some way.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: All the beautiful purity and innocence of Heaven cannot compete with Dean Winchester when he sleeps. Castiel reflecting on something that truly overwhelms him.
Do Not Wants: No deathfic, darkfic or sad/tragic endings. Would prefer no kink or heavy slash.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: On Ebon Wings
Rating of Art: G Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: Destiel
Characters: Dean and Castiel (as a Pegasus)
Warnings: N/A
Short description of art: Dean, dressed in silver armor, leather and chainmail, stands in the foreground, pulling back on a fiery rope which is, in turn, lassoed around the neck of a rearing winged horse. The horse is blueish black in color with feathery wings and glowing grace blue eyes, expressing anger or fear. It is implied that the pegasus is Castiel. A subversion of classical greek/roman/arthurian transformation, demigod mythology, or straight up sword and magic fantasy would be awesome.
Do Not Wants: MCD, scat, beastiality, pedophilia
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: YES

Title: I Solemnly Swear Not To Hunt Like A Dumbass
Rating of Art: Gen
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Mature
Pairing or Gen: Gen. Kaia/Claire is okay if it fits the story
Characters: Claire Novak, Jack Kline any characters that fit the into their story
Warnings: No warnings other than canon typical violence
Short description of art: Jack and Claire have met somehow and joined forces for a common cause (maybe the Winchesters are missing, or finding Cas or hunting for Kaia, whatever your heart desires)
Do Not Wants: Absolutely no non/con, rape, wincest, incest, child abuse, underage, mpreg, ABO.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: There's Something About Corbett
Rating of Art: PG
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC17
Pairing or Gen: Ed/Corbett
Characters: Ed, Corbett, and would be happy for any other Ghostfacers or Winchesters to be included in your fic
Warnings: No warnings
Short description of art: Corbett didn't die in the Morton House. He is still serving coffee and tea and doing other interny things at Ghostfacer HQ. Corbett has cooled it with the flirting since his near death experience. The thing is, Ed can't stop thinking about him.
Do Not Wants: None
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: YES

Title: Camp cuddles
Rating of art: G
Highest rating fic can be: M
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Characters: Dean, Castiel, I love Sam and it would be great if you incorporated him too, no mention of Lucifer please
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Dean and Castiel are sitting behind a fire, cuddling underneath a blanket, and Dean is kissing Cas' forehead
Do not wants: None
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: If I'm not busy, then yes

Title: Linked
Rating of Art: PG-13
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17/Mature
Pairing or Gen: Sam/Rowena or gen
Characters: Sam & Rowena, but author may include anyone
Warnings: N/A
Short description of art: Rowena and Sam find themselves magically cuffed together and grow close. How close is up to the author: whether sexy, humorous, angsty, interpret it your way.
Do Not Wants: Not a big fan of Wincest or mpreg.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: The Guardian of the Mirror Tree.
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: M
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Castiel; other background pairings (excluding Dean and Castiel) are fine as long as rating stays teen or below
Characters: Dean, Castiel; other characters welcome
Warnings: none, but to be safe: Dean caught in the branches of a magic tree
Short description of art: Dean is caught and held captive in the branches of a magic tree.
Castiel, wearing a long cape, is standing to the side.
Between them is a low table with two cups/bowls on it and cushions to sit on.
Do Not Wants: rape/non-con, permanent hurt/damage/illness, underage, permanent MCD, heavy kink, RPF, hurt without comfort, unhappy endings
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes, time permitting.

Title: Lighthouse.
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: R
Pairing or Gen: Gen
Characters: Sam, hopefully Dean and Cas, and anyone else you like.
Warnings: None
Short Description of Art: Dressed in rags and all alone, Sam lights a lighthouse flame. He may have always been here, doing this. Behind him on the sea, a small boat approaches.
Do Not Wants: Please, no incest or underage. Also no on-page rape, non-con, or graphic violence (referenced is all right, just please no graphic depictions of these).
Artist is willing to make more pieces that go with the story: I'll do my best! Life may not cooperate.

Title: Blood on my hands.
Rating of Art: PG
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: past and future Sam/Dean (I would like it to be Sam/Dean as the video only goes so far)
Characters: Sam and Dean
Warnings: n/a
Short description of art: When Crowley brings back Sam from hell, soul and all, Sam can't remember anything after planning on killing Lilith, and the thirst for demon blood is overwhelming. Dean reacts.
Do Not Wants: A/B/O, D/s, hardcore kink, hardcore fetish, watersports and the like
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: YES, but not vids

Title: Morning Surprise.
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: E
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Castiel; other background pairings (excluding Dean and Castiel) are fine as long as rating stays teen or below
Characters: Dean, Castiel; other characters welcome
Warnings: none
Short description of art: Cas is lying in bed with a massively huge cat sitting on his stomach - a cat that, if cats can look like people, is looking suspiciously like Dean.
Do Not Wants: rape/non-con, permanent MCD/hurt/damage/illness, underage, infidelity/cheating, heavy kink, RPF, hurt without comfort, unhappy endings
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes, time permitting.

Title: Revenge of the Bride of the Seraphim from the Last Bunker on the Left in Outer Space!
Rating of Art: Gen.
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Mature.
Pairing or Gen: Sastiel, Wincestiel, or Gen
Characters: Cas, Sam, Dean - no preferences other characters.
Warnings: -
Short description of art: I was inspired by classic horror and sci fi movie posters, especially Forbidden Planet, Karloff and Lugosi's Black Cat, Creature from the Black Lagoon, etc... but you don't have to follow that theme; go nuts!
Do Not Wants: -
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: yes

Title: Distance
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC17
Pairing or Gen: Wincest or Gen
Characters: Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Dean is in the forefront looking worried/concerned/upset. While Sam is further back and faded, looking emotional as well.
Do Not Wants: None
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Title: God Is Dead
Rating of Art: General Audiences
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Destiel
Characters: Dean and Castiel
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Priest!Castiel is getting unpleasant company (Demon!Dean) in his little chapel.
Do Not Wants: (omegaverse, BDSM, scat, slavery)
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: YES

Title: Let Me Care For You
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: Sadreel (Sam/Gadreel)
Characters: Gadreel and Sam, should be in the story, of course. Dean and Cas are fine too, no need to exclude them if the author wants to add them.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Gadreel's sacrifice didn't kill him and Sam takes it on himself to heal him back to health. Discovering feeling for his angel along the way, now just how to get that across to Gadreel?
Do Not Wants: Rape and character death are a no go. If possible no sad ends, please? No fan of complete AUs (like coffee shop, high school, all just human, etc.) too, but it's not like I'll order anyone around, so that's up to the author.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: No

Title: Color Bursts
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: Sam/Gadreel
Characters: Gadreel and Sam should be in the story. Dean and Castiel are preferred too, but don't need to be included, either way any characters can be included/excluded, it's up to the author.
Warnings: None... or soulmate AU?
Short description of art: The world is in black and white for everybody. Shades of grey, everyday, all the time. That is, until you meet and touch your soulmate. Colors bursts into the vision of the lucky people who do, at first just a bit, dull colors flashing, progressing more the longer they touch, going vibrant the closer they are to their soulmate. Of course, hoping to find one's soulmate was pretty common, but what wasn't common was the soulmate turning out to be an angel.
Do Not Wants: Please no character death and rape. If possible no sad ends too. Thank you. Prefer canon verse over AU's too, but hey, whatever inspiration strikes is fine.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: No

Title: Run Away.
Rating of Art: General Audiences.
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Teen/R - swears, violence, and minimal sexual content.
Pairing or Gen: Deancas/Destiel Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Jack Kline, and Claire Novak. Any characters you can add is fine.
Warnings: None.
Short description of art: Castiel sees someone frightening outside the door and he demands Dean take the kids, Claire and Jack, outside. Immediately.
Do Not Wants: Explicit sexual content, Rape or Dub-Con, A/B/O, Permanent Major Character Death.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes

Onwards to Either/RPF previews!

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