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ART previews - SPN part 2 of 2
Title: Brother's Keeper
Rating of Art: PG13
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: R
Pairing or Gen: It can be either gen or Sam/Dean.
Characters: Sam and Dean are in the art. I don't mind other characters, but most of the attention should be on Sam and Dean.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Basically, this is younger brother Dean, older brother Sam. Also, Sam's a hella protective older brother. What else is going on here is up to the author.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes
Title: Untitled
Rating of Art: PG-13
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: As high as the writer wants it to be, I would prefer it to be NC-17 but the writer has the liberty with this.
Pairing or Gen: Wincest
Characters: Sam and Dean are featured. I don't mind any character appearing in the fic if it suits the writer's plot.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: I just like imagining feared king of hell Sam being docile with his knight. And Dean spoiling him: sitting Sam in his lap, brushing his hair etc. I'm basically just imagining Sam being Dean's spoiled prince <3
Squints/things I really don't want to see: I hate bottom/Submissive Dean, so please no switching. Toilet related kinks, extreme BDSM (I'm ok with minimal bondage but that's it) beastiallity, age play, overly exiblist gore.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: If the story gets long, then yes.
Title: he loves me, he loves me not
Rating of Art: gen
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: explicit
Pairing or Gen: destiel
Characters: The artwork shows left: Dean and right: Castiel, but feel free to add whatever SPN characters you like.
Warnings: none
Short description of art: Garden gnome Dean and garden gnome Cas are standing infront of a small vegetable patch. “Toy-Story-Style-like” they become alive when no one is around and the artwork captures the moment when Dean shyly offers a self-picked daisy to Castiel.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Maybe, depends on time!
Title: And Then Plumbing Happens
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Cas preference
Characters: Dean, Sam, and Castiel. Including anyone else would be great too.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Sam and Dean assist Cas with a plumbing disaster. Sam helps, Dean pines. This could be AU or canon verse. I did purposefully make the Winchesters' shirts red and green for a Mario and Luigi vibe.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes
Title: Hitchhikers
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: E
Pairing or Gen: no pairing preferences
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester (I don't mind any other characters in the story)
Warnings: none
Short description of art: Sam and Dean find themselves hitchhiking...
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes
Title: Little Dean
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: R
Pairing or Gen: Gen or Sam/Castiel
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel, others are fine too.
Warnings: N/A
Short description of art: A deaged Dean Winchester clinging to Castiel as Sam Winchester staring at his big brother.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes
Title: Protea
Rating of Art: General audience
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Destiel or Gen
Characters: The piece shows Castiel, additional characters are up to the writer
Warnings: Piece contains a bloody sword
Short description of art: Warrior Cas with an angel blade
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes (if time permits)
Title: "Wish I Didn't Know Now What I Didn't Know Then"
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Wherever author wants to go -- but no underage, please! :)
Pairing or Gen: Sam/Dean or gen.
Characters: Adult Sam and Dean, teenaged!Dean, young!Sam. Bobby, Rufus, Ellen, Jo, Charlie, Crowley, Rowena, Sonny, John, Mary ... almost any character from any season. No angels, please.
Warnings: None.
Short description of art: Sam and Dean encounter … Sam and Dean. However, wherever, whenever.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yup.
Title: Rescue Mission
Rating of Art: General
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Mature (for language and canon violence) Please no rape/non con, smut. Think of it as an episode of the show if language wasn't an issue.
Pairing or Gen: no preference
Characters: Mr. Ketch, Castiel, Meg Masters, Rowena, Crowley. Sam and Dean should show up somewhere. Any characters can be included as long as it makes sense for the story. I have no exclusions.
Warnings: none
Short description of art: "so, Halo, tell us why we were pulled from our resting places to rescue the Winchesters? They are the reason we are all dead afterall, why should we help them now?"
Somehow and by some one, this motley crue of frienemies have been resurrected to be sent on a rescue mission, to locate and save Sam and Dean.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes if time permits before posting
Title: I can see (the real) you
Rating of Art: T
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: Sadreel (Sam/Gadreel)
Characters: Gadreel and Sam, should be in the story, of course. Dean and Cas are fine too, no need to exclude them if the author wants to add them.
Warnings: None besides mangled wings
Short description of art: Remember the episode with the glasses so they were able to see hellhounds? What if those glasses make angel wings visible, too? And Sam ends up seeing Gadreel's badly damaged and slowly healing wings… (Art is still a WIP, I plan to expand it and draw a few more frames to get one comic page done… hopefully.)
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes
Title: Wilds & Vines
Rating of Art: Teen and Up
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Destiel
Characters: Castiel, Dean, anyone can be included
Warnings: recreational drug use
Short description of art: Dean and Castiel are roommates and modern sorcerers. Dean has a fondness for plants while Cas likes to catch and study magical creatures.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: No
Title: Keep (Your Hands) To Yourself
Rating of Art: R
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: Sam/Dean or Gen (though I'd really prefer wincest)
Characters: Sam and Dean. Other characters (original or otherwise) are up to the author
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Sam and Dean fooling around on the beach or possibly by the lake. They can be on a case or taking a much needed break from hunting. Maybe it's a 'take-some-time-off' kind of gift from a friend? Shenanigans happen.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes.
Title: Ne Somnum
Rating of Art: Teen/Gen
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: R
Pairing or Gen: Gen
Characters: Young Sam and Dean are depicted, anyone can be included
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Sure, they've stayed in some creepy motels before, but this one looks like nothing they've ever seen before.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes
Title: Poltergeist
Rating of Art: PG
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: Wincest or Gen
Characters: Dean is clearly pictured, and where Dean is Sam has to go as well. Other than that, I'm open to any additional characters, although I'm not overly fond of angels in general.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: The image shows Dean Winchester in the shower, unaware of a lurking Poltergeist about to intrude on his privacy. Or is it ghost!Sam, stuck in an alternate plane of existence and trying to get his attention? In any case, Dean knows something is coming, as the strategically placed shotgun proves.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Absolutely yes.
Title: Brought back to the surface
Rating of Art: PG-13
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: My pairing preference is DeanCas but I’d be fine with Gen too.
Characters: The art features Sam, Dean and Castiel. The author is free to include and exclude other characters as they see fit!
Warnings: artwork features a small amount of blood
Short description of art: Years ago Sam lost his shoe. While it was tragic, it was hardly the worst thing the Winchesters ever lost in their long life of hunting and Sam forgot about it. What Sam doesn’t know is that a creature wandering the sewer and canal systems found it. The creature doesn’t know why, but the shoe seems important, familiar almost, and he will make sure that it is reunited with its owner!
(Or in short: We all know Sam lost his shoe. Castiel finds the shoe. Dean probably doesn’t like the idea of letting things or people smelling of sewer into his car.)
> Please no (permanent) Major Character Death. I’d be happy if there are no strong references to Cas/other (especially Cas/female characters). If the author goes with a pairing and wants to write something explicit I prefer bottom!Cas and top!Dean (no strong preference for Sam).
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes
Title: coasterpark
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: R for violence or swearing ,M for sex.
Pairing or Gen: Gen or Dean/Sam
Characters: Sam and Dean are the main characters, they are on their own preferably but if an author wants another SPN character in there for some reason, we can talk about it.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Sam and Dean with a rollercoaster in the background. I guess I was thinking a bit about the Final Destination movies when I made it but I don't really have anything in particular in mind. I find pictures of abandoned amusement parks, playgrounds, malls and cities fascinating , whether is just at night or for years. I feel sorry for them a little . The rollercoaster would not need to be the main focus of the story. There are a lot of ways an author could go accidents, monsters, dreams, nightmares or hauntings in working or abandoned park etc. It can even just be a scene from a story that has nothing to do with the park in general.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes
Title: The Star Card
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: gen or any combo of the Banes twins/Winchesters
Characters: Max Banes, Alicia Banes, the Winchesters can be included in the story or not.
Warnings: Anatomical human heart, maybe some slight body horror since Alicia is kind of merged with the tree.
Short description of art: Alicia and her heart are always on Max's mind.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes
Title: Tilting At Windmills
Rating of Art: PG-13
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: Sam/Dean.
Characters: Sam, Dean, baby, anyone needed for story development can be included considering I based their designs post s10.
Warnings: Blood and violence.
Short description of art: Blood is splattered on the impala, Sam sits dazed and bleeding on the ground from cuts on his neck and cheek, Dean stands, gun raised, ready to take on the monster who dared lay a hand on his brother and go down fighting to save Sam. An atmospheric setting featuring a dilapidated windmill dripping black goo from its blades, suit clad Winchesters, something hidding in the woods and endless potential for trouble. Windmill, woods and road can be modified for setting details. Great for a case fic, hurt comfort or recovery fic, but no death fic or non con please.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes (depending on story length)
Title: Asphalt Angel
Rating of Art: gen
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Explicit
Pairing or Gen: Destiel please
Characters: Castiel is riding the motorcycle, Dean is the pillion rider.
Warnings: -
Short description of art: A wild motorcycle ride with Castiel riding the bike and Dean frantically clinging to him in fear. Maybe I should also mention that they're riding a motorbike on the MOON. I think that's a vital information :D
I have no idea how Dean's being alive at this point but maybe Castiel somehow keeps him safe with his grace.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: yes
Title: A Little Magic on My Fingertips
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: NC-17
Pairing or Gen: Sam/Dean or Gen
Characters: Sam, Dean, any other
Warnings: None
Short description of art: Sam sitting in front of a desk in a dark room. He seems to have acquired magic powers? Or at least a wand that apparently gives him magical powers. And they might be a little hard to control. What happens if Dean finds out?
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes
Title: No Matter What
Rating of Art: pg or pg-13
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: X
Pairing or Gen: Sam/Deam
Characters: The only people in my art are Sam and Dean., and I prefer it if it was just themselves. However, both Castiel and Crowley make for some interesting scenes, so I would love those as well. but only them. no side characters, and remember I have not watched season 12.
Warnings: no s/d relationship, no violence (except if Sam has a freak out), no water-sports or scat, I did not see season 12.
Short description of art: Shows Sam still trapped in the hospital after Castiel took and transported Lucifer into Himself. Unfortunately, Sam can still hear the suffering and screams.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes
Title: Way Underground
Rating of Art: Teen and Up
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Mature
Pairing or Gen: Gen or implied Dean x Castiel
Characters: primarily Castiel (both real and imagined), possibly other characters as delusions
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Short description of art: When Castiel bites the dust once again, this time is different. The Empty is not quite so empty. Castiel's mistakes and the good soldier of the past come back to torment him.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes!
Title: Grouchy Morning Snuggles
Rating of Art: E
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Anything
Pairing or Gen: Destiel
Warnings: No warnings
Short description of art: Demon Dean, and Angel Cas sharing a morning snuggle. I left the background out intentionally so it will fit the story. Whether Dean is always a demon, or was made that way is up to the writer. Please no non-con or infidelity, anything else is writer's choice.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes - and this one will be colored
Title: The Feather
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: Any
Pairing or Gen: Sam/Gadreel
Characters: Gadreel and Sam should be in the story. Dean and Castiel are preferred too, but don't need to be included, either way any characters can be included/excluded, it's up to the author.
Warnings: None
Short description of art: It's traditional for angels to give their desired partner their feathers. They think it's incredibly romantic to pick the most beautiful feathers they have, pluck them out, ignoring the pain of doing so, and offer them to the person they love. It's extremely intimate, a show of intentions, of how serious they are, in human terms it would probably be akin to a marriage proposal. Gadreel wants to do that. Even with his imperfect feathers, he simply has none that aren't bent, scorched or damaged in some way. Despite worrying that he has nothing better to offer, it doesn’t stop him from presenting Sam with the least pathetic looking one he has nevertheless…
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes
Title: Waistcoats and Cravats
Rating of Art: G
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: E
Pairing or Gen: Dean/Castiel, other pairings welcome (only PG or teen please)
Characters: Dean/Castiel, other characters welcome
Warnings: none
Short description of art: Whether for a case, a film, or full out Regency AU - dashing waistcoats, billowing shirts and rakish cravats aplenty to be had, with the occasional dramatic lake thrown in for good measure.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: Yes, if inspiration strikes and there’s time.
Title: We are not who we are.
Rating of Art: SFW
Highest Rating Fic Can Be: R
Pairing or Gen: Gen, no pair or Sam/Jess
Characters: main characters - Sam and Dean
Please no permanent Major Character Death, or Rape/Non-Con, or Graphic Violence (above and beyond what we see in the series)
Short description of art: The angels refer to Sam as an Abomination. And yet he was able to wield Thor's hammer (8x2) and you must be Worthy to do that. Dean was suppose to be the Vessel of the Archangel Michael, but never showed any of the abilities of an Angelic Vessel. He couldn't understand an unvesseled angel speaking to him nor did Michael appear in him dreams.
Artist is willing to make more pieces to go with the story: (No)