Title: A Dog's Life Author: K Hanna Korossy Summary: A dog steps in where two stubborn, angry, hurt brothers won't. And ends up being needed more than any of them imagined. Genre/Pairing: Gen (Sam and Dean) Type of hurt: Beaten up, hospitalised, unconsciousness Why are you rec'ing this story? Such a stellar author who we've recc'ed many times over the years, and this is just a wonderful h/c fic. It's set in season 4 that sees the boys team up with a dog, and she brings them together in more ways than one! Plenty of hurt, comfort and brotherly ups, downs and feels! Anything else we should know? Warning for tissues!
Author: K Hanna Korossy
Summary: A dog steps in where two stubborn, angry, hurt brothers won't. And ends up being needed more than any of them imagined.
Genre/Pairing: Gen (Sam and Dean)
Type of hurt: Beaten up, hospitalised, unconsciousness
Why are you rec'ing this story? Such a stellar author who we've recc'ed many times over the years, and this is just a wonderful h/c fic. It's set in season 4 that sees the boys team up with a dog, and she brings them together in more ways than one! Plenty of hurt, comfort and brotherly ups, downs and feels!
Anything else we should know? Warning for tissues!
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