Title: The Hellfire Club Author: Annie46fic Summary: Jared is a young academic whose mother has died under suspicious circumstances. Despite several blood transfusions she passed away through lack of blood. Jared’s father, grief stricken, lost his own life not long after and now, Jared is alone in the world. He has his parent’s house and a new job at the British Library but he is discontent, he wants to know who killed his mother
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Author: Annie46fic
Summary: Jared is a young academic whose mother has died under suspicious circumstances. Despite several blood transfusions she passed away through lack of blood. Jared’s father, grief stricken, lost his own life not long after and now, Jared is alone in the world. He has his parent’s house and a new job at the British Library but he is discontent, he wants to know who killed his mother ( ... )
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