Title: Beauty and the 'Bot Author: zubeneschamali"> Summary: Jared's deliberate isolation is shattered when a merchant's ship crash lands on his moon. When the merchant tries to steal a flower from him, Jared demands his most prized possession in return: a 'bot that Jared himself designed many years ago. Jared gets to know the 'bot, which has not only given itself a name but become more human than Jared could have imagined. Together, Jared and Jensen will have to answer the question: what makes a person truly human? Genre/Pairing:SPN RPF Jared/Jensen Type of hurt:depression, discussion of consent, past self-mutilation Why are you rec'ing this story? This is a wonderfully sweet story! Anything else we should know?
Author: zubeneschamali">
Summary: Jared's deliberate isolation is shattered when a merchant's ship crash lands on his moon. When the merchant tries to steal a flower from him, Jared demands his most prized possession in return: a 'bot that Jared himself designed many years ago. Jared gets to know the 'bot, which has not only given itself a name but become more human than Jared could have imagined. Together, Jared and Jensen will have to answer the question: what makes a person truly human?
Genre/Pairing:SPN RPF Jared/Jensen
Type of hurt:depression, discussion of consent, past self-mutilation
Why are you rec'ing this story? This is a wonderfully sweet story!
Anything else we should know?
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