Title: Happy Mother's Day Author: LadyWallace Summary:Sam just wanted to celebrate Mother's Day with Mary now that she's back. But of course things can never go right for the Winchesters. Genre/Pairing: SPN Gen, Sam, Dean, Mary, Castiel Type of hurt:Poison, fever. Why are you rec'ing this story? Wonderful story of sick Sammy and his relationship with Mary on Mother's Day. Anything else we should know? On AO3 so can be downloaded.
Author: LadyWallace
Summary:Sam just wanted to celebrate Mother's Day with Mary now that she's back. But of course things can never go right for the Winchesters.
Genre/Pairing: SPN Gen, Sam, Dean, Mary, Castiel
Type of hurt:Poison, fever.
Why are you rec'ing this story? Wonderful story of sick Sammy and his relationship with Mary on Mother's Day.
Anything else we should know? On AO3 so can be downloaded.
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